
察言观色英文原版-Talking to Strangers

播客修订主义历史的主持人,《纽约时报》第一畅销书的作者马尔科姆·格拉德威尔(Malcolm Gladwell)对我们与陌生人的互动进行了有力的考察——以及为什么他们经常出问题。纳维尔·张伯伦为什么认为他可以信任阿道夫·希特勒?为什么校园的性侵犯在增加?电视情景喜剧是否教给我们一些关于彼此之间联系方式的错误信息?在解决这些问题时,马尔科姆·格拉德威尔(Malcolm Gladwell)并不仅是为那一页写书,他也生产了有声书。在《与陌生人交谈》的有声读物版本中,您会听到他采访过的人的声音-科学家,犯罪学家,军事心理学家。法院的笔录通过重新制作而栩栩如生。您会直接听到许多悲剧及他们的主人公的故事。甚至还有一首主题曲——Janelle Monae的“ Hell You Talmbout”。Gladdwell辩解说,我们使用了一些不正确的工具和策略来定义不认识的人,这是非常错误的。而且由于我们不知道如何与陌生人交谈,我们正在以对我们的生活和世界产生深远影响的方式引发与陌生人的冲突和误解。 ————Malcolm Gladwell, host of the podcast Revisionist History and author of the #1 New York Times bestseller, offers a powerful examination of our interactions with strangers -- and why they often go wrong.How did Fidel Castro fool the CIA for a generation? Why did Neville Chamberlain think he could trust Adolf Hitler? Why are campus sexual assaults on the rise? Do television sitcoms teach us something about the way we relate to each other that isn t true?>While tackling these questions, Malcolm Gladwell was not solely writing a book for the page. He was also producing for the ear. In the audiobook version of , you ll hear the voices of people he interviewed--scientists, criminologists, military psychologists. Court transcripts are brought to life with re-enactments. You hear directly from many of the players in these real-life tragedies. There s even a theme song - Janelle Monae s Hell You Talmbout. Something is very wrong, Gladwell argues, with the tools and strategies we use to make sense of people we don t know. And because we don t know how to talk to strangers, we are inviting conflict and misunderstanding in ways that have a profound effect on our lives and our world.