In the centre of the courtyard of a medieval church stands a single block of marble. On top of the marble lies a heavy black anvil. Struck deep through them both is a glittering sword.Whoever can remove the sword from the stone is the rightful king of Britain. Brave knights, important lords, and strong men from across the kingdom all try and fail. Then one steps forward whose touch frees the sword like magic. But could the next king of Britain really be ... a young boy?在一座中世纪教堂的庭院中央矗立着一整块大理石。大理石上有一个沉重的黑色铁砧。刺透他们的是一把闪闪发光的剑。谁能移石除剑,谁就是英国真正的国王。勇敢的骑士、重要的领主和来自全国各地的壮士都在尝试,但都失败了。然后一个人向前走,他的触摸使剑像魔法一样自由。但下一任英国国王真的会是……一个年轻的男孩?