With over a million copies in print, the #1 New York Times bestseller Who Moved My Cheese? An A-Mazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and inYour Life (G.P. Putnam s Sons) has grown from a guide and trainingtool for America s top corporations and organizations to a culturalphenomenon that is changing people s lives. While a few analytical orskeptical people find the story too simple on the surface, the vast majorityof readers responses reveal it is the clear simplicity that makes it soeasy to understand and apply to changing situations at work or in life.This amazing bestseller, written by Spencer Johnson, M.D., the co-author ofThe One Minute Manager?, the world s most popular management method, isreaching beyond the business community, where it has been the #1 Wall StreetJournal Business Bestseller for more than 30 consecutive weeks. It is nowbeing embraced by hundreds of thousands of readers-from community leadersand college coaches to parents and children-helping them to adapt to change.Whether it s the challenge of a changing relationship, or moving to a newneighborhood, or the downsizing and merging of corporations, people arefinding that the simple story of Who Moved My Cheese? is an unthreatening andinvaluable source of comfort and advice. It is no wonder that thisdiminutive tome has become a runaway bestseller! Annotation Sometimes simple problems require simple answers. In just 96 pages, this humorous story uses simple metaphors and characters to encourage readers to embrace change and to adapt to new situations with an open mind and a motivated spirit. It follows four fictional characters, Sniff, Scurry, Hem and Haw, as they search for fulfillment in the maze of life. 人生犹如“迷宫”,每个人都在其中寻找各自的“奶酪”——稳定的工作、身心的健康、和谐的人际关系、甜蜜美满的爱情,或是令人充满想象的财富…… 那么,你是否正在享受你的奶酪呢? 如果是的,恭喜你,你只需要阅读一下书中的小故事即可,因为它会时刻提醒你,你的奶酪是否已经变质; 如果不是,欢迎你,请你把这本书从头到尾阅读一下,希望你能够从中受到启发,尽快享受你的奶酪。 自本书出版以来,已经有众多读者从奶酪的故事中得到启发,从而改善了自己的事业、婚姻和生活,同时也引起了广泛的讨论。 变化总在时时发生,我们每个人都要认真思考,究竟是谁动了我的“奶酪”,我们又该如何发现新的“奶酪”?
出版社Penguin Random House US