
Heidi 学乐经典读物:海蒂 英文原版

When Heidi, a cheerful 5-year-old orphan, comes to live with her grandfather in the Swiss Alps, she brings a bright ray of sunshine into the lives of the people around her. Young Peter, a goatherd, shares her love of nature, and his blind grandmother delights in the little girl s bubbling personality. Even Heidi s surly and hermit-like grandfather, the old Alm-Uncle, finds his long-lost grandchild a source of immense pleasure.A few years later, when she is forced go to Frankfurt to serve as a companion for Klara, a well-to-do but sickly girl, Heidi must leave her beloved mountains and friends behind — an experience that proves highly traumatic to the innocent and sensitive little girl. But her return home and a visit from Klara result in magical moments that will leave young readers thoroughly captivated by this heartwarming tale of an unforgettable child and her effect on the people around her.海蒂从小父母双亡,生活在贫穷的环境中,由姨妈抚养长大。后来姨妈找到了一份工作,不能继续照顾海蒂,就把她送到了爷爷那里。海蒂天性热爱生活,热爱自然,助人为乐,对别人充满了爱和关心,她生活周围的人都因为她而获得欢乐。正是在她纯真的感情感染下,饱经沧桑、心情抑郁的爷爷变得开朗起来。海蒂8岁时又被姨妈带到法兰克福,在一个大户人家给12岁的瘫痪姑娘克拉拉当玩伴。在这里,她接触到了初步的教育。但是,这个天真无邪的小姑娘适应不了巨大的环境变化,由于思乡心切,她变得日益消瘦,精神恍惚,不到一年时间,便又被送回到高山牧场。随后,在乡村牧师的劝说下,祖孙二人终于搬回到爷爷从前居住过的村子。并同村民们建立了友好融洽的关系。瘫痪姑娘克拉拉,在海蒂走了之后,感觉很孤独,一切又恢复到从前那样毫无乐趣,心情忧郁起来。不久就被人送到了山上找海蒂,和海蒂住在一起开始接受自然的疗养。在海蒂的爱心帮助下,瘫痪姑娘克拉拉一天天的活泼开朗起来,她在野外欢快的玩耍,去亲近大自然的草木,使瘫痪姑娘克拉拉又有了生活的勇气,终于重新站立起来。