《西方家庭学校经典教材读本:英国语文(第1册)》继《美国语文》之后的另一套经典原版教材,了解英国人文历史、欣赏英国文学的优秀读本。全书分级编写,还附有大量插图。充满趣味的英语故事与优美的英国文学相融合,让国内学生更好地感悟英国文化历史,并真正学好英语这门语言。无论是作为英语学习的课本,还是作为提高英语水平的课外读物,《西方家庭学校经典教材读本:英国语文(第1册)》这套书都极有价值。 The Royal Readers were edited and published by the famous British publisher and used in schools until well into the 20th century. They are edited as six books in the Royal School Series. Students progressed from the very easy lessons to classic readers. The First Book, beginning with similarly easy lessons, consisted of rhymes and simple short stories with plenty of illustrations for young learners. Children learned letters and easy reading. The first part of this book focuses exclusively on monosyllabic words and the second part introduces two syllable words. In the Second Book there are short selections of poetry and prose designed to encourage interest in reading. Each story is followed by a lesson on pronunciation, simple definitions of new words and questions on its content. The Third Book is very similar though slightly more advanced and including more writing exercises. The Fourth Book includes phonetic exercises, model compositions and dictation exercises, as well as outlines of British History from Roman Period as far as 1400 A. D. The Fifth Book features sections on health of the body, plants and their uses, as well as quotes and stories of great men. Book Six, the final book in the series, contains word lessons and passages with sections on great inventions, classification of animals, useful knowledge, punctuation and physical geography, as well as the British Constitution.