《海蒂》是瑞士儿童文学作家约翰娜•斯比丽的代表作,《海蒂》是一部永远也不会过时的小说。在《海蒂》这本书里,始终贯穿着一个浓缩于海蒂身上的“爱”的主题,作者通过优美的笔触,把一个无比可爱,充满爱心的海蒂栩栩如生地展现在读者眼前,使我们仿佛看到了一个爱的天使、爱的化身。 本版《海蒂》为英文原版,同时提供配套英文朗读免费下载,在品读精彩故事的同时,亦能提升英语阅读水平,下载方式详见图书封底博客链接。 Heidi is a delightful story for children of life in the Alps, one of many tales written by the Swiss authoress, Johanna Spyri. She had been well known to the younger readers of her own country since 1880, when she published her story, Heimathlos , which ran into three or more editions, and which, like her other books, as she states on the title page, was written for those who love children, as well as for the youngsters themselves. Her own sympathy with the instincts and longings of the child’s heart is shown in her picture of Heidi . The record of the early life of this Swiss child amid the beauties of her passionately loved mountain-home and during her exile in the great town has been for many years a favorite book of younger readers in Germany and America. Madame Spyri, like Hans Andersen, had by temperament a peculiar skill in writing the simple histories of an innocent world. In all her stories she shows an underlying desire to preserve children alike from misunderstanding and the mistaken kindness that frequently hinder the happiness and natural development of their lives and characters.
《海蒂》是瑞士儿童文学作家约翰娜•斯比丽的代表作,《海蒂》是一部永远也不会过时的小说。在《海蒂》这本书里,始终贯穿着一个浓缩于海蒂身上的“爱”的主题,作者通过优美的笔触,把一个无比可爱,充满爱心的海蒂栩栩如生地展现在读者眼前,使我们仿佛看到了一个爱的天使、爱的化身。 本版《海蒂》为英文原版,同时提供配套英文朗读免费下载,在品读精彩故事的同时,亦能提升英语阅读水平,下载方式详见图书封底博客链接。 Heidi is a delightful story for children of life in the Alps, one of many tales written by the Swiss authoress, Johanna Spyri. She had been well known to the younger readers of her own country since 1880, when she published her story, Heimathlos , which ran into three or more editions, and which, like her other books, as she states on the title page, was written for those who love children, as well as for the youngsters themselves. Her own sympathy with the instincts and longings of the child’s heart is shown in her picture of Heidi . The record of the early life of this Swiss child amid the beauties of her passionately loved mountain-home and during her exile in the great town has been for many years a favorite book of younger readers in Germany and America. Madame Spyri, like Hans Andersen, had by temperament a peculiar skill in writing the simple histories of an innocent world. In all her stories she shows an underlying desire to preserve children alike from misunderstanding and the mistaken kindness that frequently hinder the happiness and natural development of their lives and characters.