Agatha Christie’s world-famous mystery thriller, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers.Ten strangers, apparently with little in common, are lured to an island mansion off the coast of Devon by the mysterious U.N.Owen. Over dinner, a record begins to play, and the voice of an unseen host accuses each person of hiding a guilty secret. That evening, former reckless driver Tony Marston is found murdered by a deadly dose of cyanide.The tension escalates as the survivors realise the killer is not only among them but is preparing to strike again… and again… 十个相互陌生、身份各异的人受邀前往德文郡海岸边一座孤岛上的豪宅。客人到齐后,主人却没有出现。 当晚,一个神秘的声音发出指控,分别说出每个人心中罪恶的秘密。接着,一位客人离奇死亡。暴风雨让小岛与世隔绝,《十个小士兵》——这首古老的童谣成了死亡咒语。如同歌谣中所预言的,客人一个接一个死去……杀人游戏结束后,竟无一人生还!
Murder on the Orient Express A Hercule Poirot Mystery东方快车谋杀案 英文原版
Just after midnight, the famous Orient Express is stopped in its tracks by a snowdrift. By morning, the millionaire Samuel Edward Ratchett lies dead in his compartment, stabbed a dozen times, his door locked from the inside. One of his fellow passengers must be the murderer.Isolated by the storm, detective Hercule Poirot must find the killer among a dozen of the dead man's enemies, before the murderer decides to strike again.
And Then There Were None: The World’S Favourite Agatha Christie Book [Tv Tie-In Edition]
The book that toppedthe international online poll held in Agatha Christie’s 125th birthday year todiscover which of her 80 crime books was the world’s favourite.1939. Europe teeters on the brink of war. Ten strangers areinvited to Soldier Island, an isolated rock near the Devon coast. Cut off fromthe mainland, with their generous hosts Mr and Mrs U.N. Owen mysteriouslyabsent, they are each accused of a terrible crime. When one of the party diessuddenly they realise they may be harbouring a murderer among their number.The 10 strangers include a reckless playboy, a troubled Harley Street doctor, aformidable judge, an uncouth detective, an unscrupulous mercenary, aGod-fearing spinster, two restless servants, a highly decorated general and ananxious secretary. One by one they are picked off. Who will survive? And who isthe killer? Copies of an ominous nursery rhyme hang in each room, the murdersmimicking the awful fates of its ‘Ten Little Soldier Boys’.
一首純真的童謠竟被當作恐怖的殺人暗示,十個可愛的人偶如何啟動它們的詛咒? 十個素不相識、特質相異的陌生人,受到神秘歐文先生的邀請,前往著名的戰士島度假。 晚宴期間,神祕主人始終未曾現身,直至用餐結束,竟從空中傳出一陣詭異的人聲,指控在場每個人都隱藏著一樁深惡的罪孽。 一個隱形殺手置身其中,隨時準備出擊;一首可愛童謠更預知其死亡紀事--「一個都不留!」 倖存者人人自危,仿如驚弓之鳥,有誰能來這個荒郊野地拯救他們? 或者,他們通通都該死…… 克莉絲蒂的推理巔鋒之作,經典排行榜永恆的冠軍首選,千萬不可錯過!
The ABC Murders
A baffler of the first order. -- New York Times A masterwork...stunningly original. -- Julian Symons Agatha Christie at her best. -- New York Herald Tribune Christie is beyond criticism. -- New Statesman and Nation --This text refers to the Paperback edition. Agatha Christie at her best. (New York Herald Tribune) A baffler of the first order. (New York Times) A masterwork...stunningly original. (Julian Symons) Christie is beyond criticism. (New Statesman and Nation) --This text refers to the Paperback edition.
Hercule Poirot[大侦探波罗] 英文原版
All 51 Hercule Poirot short stories presented in chonological order in a single volume - plus a bonus story not seen for more than 70 years. 'My name is Hercule Poirot and I am probably the greatest detective in the world.' The dapper, moustache-twirling little Belgian with the egg-shaped head, curious mannerisms and inordinate respect for his own 'little grey cells' has solved some of the most puzzling crimes of the century. Appearing in Agatha Christie's very first novel in 1920 and her very last in 1975, Hercule Poirot became the most celebrated detective since Sherlock Holmes, appearing in 33 novels, a play, and these 51 short stories. Arranged in their original publication order, these short stories provide a feast for hardened Agatha Christie addicts as well as those who have grown to love the detective through his many film and television appearances. This new edition now also includes Poirot and the Regatta Mystery, an early version of an Agatha Christie story not published since 1936!
Death on the Nile: A Hercule Poirot Mystery (Hercule Poirot Mysteries) 尼罗河上的惨案
The tranquillity of a cruise along the Nile was shattered by the discovery that Linnet Ridgeway had been shot through the head. She was young, stylish, and beautiful. A girl who had everything . . . until she lost her life.Hercule Poirot recalled an earlier outburst by a fellow passenger: "I'd like to put my dear little pistol against her head and just press the trigger." Yet in this exotic setting nothing is ever quite what it seems. Linnet Doyle is young, beautiful, and rich. She's the girl who has everything--including the man her best friend loves. When Linnet and her new husband take a cruise on the Nile, they meet brilliant detective Hercule Poirot. It should be an idyllic trip, yet Poirot feels that something is amiss. Reissue.
退休警探陸加無意間從一位老太太口中聽到一樁兇殺案,正待詳細探究,卻從報上的訃聞中得知老太太竟命喪車輪下。他憑著偵探的直覺判斷事有蹊蹺,於是決定自行私下查訪。 查訪期間,又有多起彼此相關聯的命案發生,甚至陸加本人也受到生命的威脅。然而吉人自有天相,此時也出現一位貴人相助,順利完成了他的心願。
Crooked House
In the sprawling, half-timbered mansion in the affluent suburb of Swinly Dean, Aristide Leonides lies dead from barbiturate poisoning. An accident? Not likely. In fact, suspicion has already fallen on his luscious widow, a cunning beauty fifty years his junior, set to inherit a sizeable fortune, and rumored to be carrying on with a strapping young tutor comfortably ensconced in the family estate. But criminologist Charles Hayward is casting his own doubts on the innocence of the entire Leonides brood. He knows them intimately. And he's certain that in a crooked house such as Three Gables, no one's on the level...
傑瑞是一個嗜睡如命的人,於是朋友們決心跟他開個玩笑。他們擺了八個鬧鐘在他的床頭,從早上6點半開始,八個鬧鐘會陸續鬧響,準備熱熱鬧鬧嚇醒傑瑞。 然而到了早上,一個鬧鐘莫名其妙失蹤了,而且發生了一連串的悲劇。 原來,一切事端都是從「七鐘面」那個令人疑惑的組織開始……
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd A Hercule Poirot Mystery七面钟之谜
Roger Ackroyd knew too much. He knew that the woman he loved had poisoned her brutal first husband. He suspected also that someone had been blackmailing her. Then, tragically, came the news that she had taken her own life with a drug overdose.But the evening post brought Roger one last fatal scrap of information. Unfortunately, before he could finish reading the letter, he was stabbed to death.
Agatha Christie: An Autobiography阿加莎·克里斯蒂自传
A new-look printing of Agatha Christie’s ‘most absorbing mystery’ to mark the 25th anniversary of her death.Agatha Christie died on 12 January 1976, having become the best-selling novelist in history. Her autobiography, published in 1977 a year after her death, tells of her fascinating private life, from early childhood through two marriages and two World Wars, and her experiences both as a writer and on archaeological expeditions with her second husband, Max Mallowan. Not only does the book reveal the true genius of her legendary success, but the story is vividly told and as captivating as one of her novels.
Towards Zero (Agatha Christie Collection)[零时]
An elderly widow is murdered at a clifftop seaside house…What is the connection between a failed suicide attempt, a wrongful accusation of theft against a schoolgirl, and the romantic life of a famous tennis player?To the casual observer, apparently nothing. But when a houseparty gathers at Gull’s Point, the seaside home of an elderly widow, earlier events come to a dramatic head.It’s all part of a carefully paid plan – for murder…
The Mousetrap and Other Plays
On an isolated island, ten people have been brought together to be killed off. An evil old woman has a rendezvous with death in the desert heat of Jerusalem. A scheming wife testifies against her husband in a shocking murder trial. And a homicidal maniac terrorizes a group of snowbound guests to the refrain of "Three Blind Mice." This collection of eight works shows how Agatha Christie's plays are as compulsive as her novels, with their colorful characters and ingenious plots providing yet more evidence of her mastery of the detective thriller.
Mrs Mcginty’s Dead[清洁女工之死](新旧版本随机发货)
An old widow is brutally killed in the parlour of her cottage… Mrs McGinty died from a brutal blow to the back of her head. Suspicion fell immediately on her shifty lodger, James Bentley, whose clothes revealed traces of the victim’s blood and hair. Yet something was amiss: Bentley just didn’t look like a murderer. Poirot believed he could save the man from the gallows - what he didn’t realise was that his own life was now in great danger… 《清洁女工之死》讲述了一个缺少良好教育、靠出租房屋与给人做些杂活零工为生的老妇人,被人用锐器砸了一下后脑勺而毙命。像她这样与世无争的女人在英国各地有成千上万,谁会杀她呢?凶手很快被逮捕归案,但办案的斯彭斯警监却不满意,他认为尽管所有的证据都指向凶手,但此人却不具备凶手的特征。为此,他请求波洛去找出真相。 清洁女工之死外文版波洛来到凶案现场——布罗德欣尼村开始了他的调查。终于,他从一句话里找到了线索。原来这一切与一张照片有关,波洛顺藤摸瓜,真相逐渐接近时,不但又有一名受害者出现,而且连我们伟大的侦探也差点遭遇不测。最后的胜利当然是属于波洛的,但他也不是完全胜利,因为……看了你就知道了。
瑪波小姐不可置信的唸著一封死人的來信...... 曾經在西印度群島和瑪波小姐聯手破了命案的拉斐爾先生,死後寫了一封信給她,請她接受一項任務。可是這項任務的性質、目的、來龍去脈甚至當事人是誰,拉斐爾先生卻是隻字未提,只在臨終前為她安排了一趟以觀賞英國豪宅和出名庭園為主的旅遊。 瑪波小姐展開了這趟豪華旅遊。一如她所料,所有的線索都潛藏在這趟旅遊當中。 這會是一趟死亡之旅嗎?支持她尋找真相的唯一線索,只有拉菲爾先生稱揚她的那句﹝復仇女神﹞.....
三個女孩分租一間在倫敦的公寓,第一位是個秘書,第二位是個藝術家,第三位神秘女郎來向白羅求助後便失蹤--因為大家懷疑她是一位冷血的殺人兇手。 詭異的殺人現場一片混亂,現場除了左輪手槍、彈簧刀、還有斑斑血跡,沒有絲豪線索可查,更找不到指控那第三位女郎是兇手是清白甚至是發瘋的證據。且看白羅如何破解迷霧,再創奇蹟!
四座無端出現的離奇無主時鐘、一具遍查不得真實身份的不知名男屍,出現在雙眼失明的婦人家中;情報網探員追查叛國份子,同時循線來到命案現場。左鄰右舍人人有嫌疑,唯獨找不到任何見證者和犯案動機。 警察機關和情報組織一無所獲之際,垂垂老矣的白羅隔空辦案,灰色腦細胞再度歸納出偵探史上的至理名言:「看起來極度複雜的案子,實際上一定很單純。」 然而命案一再發生,在錯綜迷離的事實當中,究竟單純的核心在哪裹?兇手已經沈不住氣了,白羅要如何抽絲剝繭讓兇手現出原形?
本案判决是谋杀。 因杀害亲生母亲而被判终生监禁的杰柯·阿盖尔死了。 两年之后,一个陌生人打破了阿盖尔一家的沉静。这个叫阿瑟·卡格瑞的陌生人能提供在杰柯的被告辩护中缺漏的事实证据吗? 如果杰柯·阿盖尔没有谋害自己的母亲,那么,真凶又在哪里呢?
Endless Night
Strapped by a chauffeur's wages, Michael Rogers' want of a better life seems out of reach. Especially elusive is a magnificent piece of property in Kingston Bishop--unil a chance meeting with a beautiful heiress makes his dreams possible. Marrying her is the first step. Building the perfect home is the next. Unfortunately, Michael ignored the local warnings about the deadly curse buried in the tract of land, and living out his dreams may exact a higher price than he ever imagined. Praised as one of Agatha Christie's most unusual forays into gothic, psychological suspense, this novel of fate, chance, and the nature of evil was a personal favorite of the author's as well.
Four men including a master murderer match wits in a diabolical effort to control the Earth.
十二件無法解釋的異象,無法理解的怪事: 地上落了排列出狗型的火藥;靈界梢來的惡兆;一幢鬧鬼的屋子;降靈會上的意外;人格分裂的行為;重覆出現的惡夢;不祥的電報;擁有年輕軀體的老人;靈魂出竅的求救;重度健忘的男子;飄浮空中的體驗;神秘的SOS訊號。 種種超自然及不可思議的怪像令人不寒而慄,本書除了考驗您的智力,也深入你的直覺力……
聲名遠播的紅牌女伶珍˙威金森,表面雖然風光,私底下卻為自己貌合神離的婚姻生活備感痛苦,甚至對認識不深的白羅說出:「總有一天我要除掉我的先生!」然而她固執的伯爵丈夫不為所動,堅決不肯答應離婚,專橫的態度幾使白羅都要為她妻子爭取權益。 然而山不轉人轉,艾格威伯爵某日突然改變態度答應離婚,只是就在她的妻子未接獲訊息前,艾德格伯爵竟在自宅遇刺身亡!涉嫌重大的珍被目擊證人指控,事發當晚她進入了案發現場…… 珍無語問天,唯一的辯解是,案發當時她正在參加一個十三人的晚宴! 是她等不及了嗎?難道她竟能分身?白羅不堪被矇騙,決心要一探究竟,敬邀讀者一起挖掘真相!
這是白羅的偵探生涯中,十八起精采的破案記實,由白羅的忘年好友海斯汀上尉親自記錄。 這十八起疑案的花招百出:易容、利用錯覺、掉包、毒殺、製造煙幕、唱雙簧、心理戰等等,種種手法讓蘇格蘭警場傷透腦筋。奇妙的是,一把案子交到白羅手中,案情就如朗朗晴空一樣一目瞭然,並在他的談笑風生中漂亮解決謎案。 想要速學白羅辦案的箇中精華者,這一本豐富的短篇小說集千萬忽略不得! 想要速學白羅辦案的箇中精華者,這一本豐富的短篇小說集千萬忽略不得! 這是白羅的偵探生涯中,十八起精采的破案記實,由白羅的忘年好友海斯汀親自記錄. 這十八起疑案的花招百出,易容,利用錯覺,掉包,毒殺,製造煙幕,唱雙簧,心理戰等等,種種手法讓蘇格蘭警場傷透腦筋.奇妙的是,一交到白羅手中,竟就在他的談笑風生中漂亮解決.想要速學白羅辦案的箇中精華者,這一本短篇小說集千萬忽略不得!
The Body in the Library
One morning, Colonel and Dolly Bantry are awakened by their maid and informed that there is a body in the library! They immediately call the authorities and their dear old friend Miss Jane Marple. The dead young woman is soon identified as Ruby Keene, a dance hostess at a hotel. Can Miss Marple's sharp eyes find the motive, the truth, and the killer?
Five Little Pigs
It was an open and shut case. All the evidence said Caroline Crale poisoned her philandering husband, a brilliant painter. She was quickly and easily convicted and sentenced to life in prison. Now, sixteen years later, in a posthumous letter, Mrs. Crale has assured her grown daughter that she was innocent. But instead of setting the young woman's mind at ease, the letter only raises disquieting questions. Did Caroline indeed write the truth? And if she didn't kill her husband, who did? To find out, the Crale's daughter asks Hercule Poirot to reopen the case. His investigation takes him deep into the conflicting memories and motivations of the five other people who were with the Crales on the fatal day. With his keen understanding of human psychology, he manages to discover the surprising truth behind the artist's death.
The Witness for the Prosecution
Book Description A murder trial takes a diabolical turn when the wife of the accused takes a stand...A woman's sixth--and a loaded revolver--signal premonitions of doom...A stranded motorist seeks refuge in a remote mansion, and is greeted with a dire warning...Detective Hercule Poirot faces his greatest challenge when his services are enlisted--by the victim--in a bizarre locked-room murder. From the stunning title story (which inspired the classic film thriller) to the rarest gems in detective fiction, these 11 tales of baffling rime and brilliant deduction showcase Agatha Christie at her dazzling best. From AudioFile Special kudos to the voice casting executive at Audio Editions for this project! Horror screen icon Christopher Lee, thrust suddenly into the spotlight again in his 80s, thanks to his stint in LORD OF THE RINGS, steps up to the mike and delivers a vocal masterpiece. Lee embodies blue bloods and cockneys alike with equal aplomb, burnishing Christie's mysteries to a high and satisfying finish. The material is perfectly chosen as well--strong, tight mysteries with three-dimensional characters, particularly the title story with its sophisticated, Sherlock Holmes-ish surprise ending. More lavish packaging would be a nice touch for this audiobook, but that's a niggling concern--this collection of mysteries finds its solution in sterling acting and recording. D.J.B. Winner of AudioFile Earphones Award Book Dimension length: (cm)17.1 width:(cm)10.8
是誰毒死了藝術家? 一段古老的愛恨情仇,一件十六年前的謀殺案,如何憑藉一封單薄的遺書,重新揭開塵封多年的迷障? 神探白羅受美麗少女卡拉.駱曼楨的請託,調查其故去母親多年前犯下的謀殺案。且看白羅如何走訪多位證人,如何抽絲剝繭、研析人心,以今之殘存片斷,補昔時疏漏之誤。看他如何為死者發聲,替逝者請命。 藝術家究竟是誰殺的? 白羅知道,而你,親愛的讀者,你猜得出來嗎?
一個國際超級首腦會議將在巴格達秘密舉行,不料有人走漏了風聲,於是中東地區的某地下組織預備進行破壞。 值此一觸即發的危險關頭,一心期盼能冒險犯難的維多莉雅.瓊斯倒是如願以償甚至可說是超出期望了--一個滿身傷痕的情報人員,臥倒於她的臥室,口中只喃喃得吐出幾個幾難分辨的: 「魯西夫……巴撒哈……勒法菊……」
Elephants Can Remember
The acclaimed biography of one of England's great eccentrics and leading fashion designers, reissued in an updated edition to coincide with a major exhibition of Westwood's work at the Victoria & Albert Museum. / For three decades, Vivienne Westwood has been Britain's most consistently original, outrageous, eccentric and controversial designer. In that time she has evolved from an iconoclastic outsider to an internationally revered figure, with two British Designer of the Year awards, an OBE, her own successful fashion label and an unrivalled reputation for leading where other designers follow. / Her lifestyle could scarcely be in greater contrast to the opulence which surrounds other leading designers: until recently she lived in a modest council flat in South London, and she still travels around the capital by bicycle, dressed in her own flamboyant creations, with a plastic bag protecting her hair from the elements. How did an awkward girl from a conventional and provincial background become one of world fashion's most influential and respected designers? How has she managed to remain true to her own idiosyncratic vision, refusing to conform to the fashion industry's, and society's, expectations? / Speaking to Westwood herself, her friends, lovers, colleagues, rivals, admirers and detractors, Jane Mulvagh has created a portrait as rich, distinctive and constantly surprising as her subject's character and work.
時光回轉到紀元前兩千年的埃及。死亡與現世被視做等同重要的時代。 一座懸崖的崖腳下,躺著計一具破碎、扭曲的女屍,她是祭司的小妾,年輕、美麗,卻心腸歹毒,眾人對其淒慘的下場皆不表同情。 然而,祭司的女兒葉特.蓮梨桑卻深信那女人的死亡並非天意,而是謀殺。亦是從此刻起,她漸漸嗅出那股邪惡的殺人氣息正是環繞在自己的家屋之中……
阿加莎短篇小说选/The Collected Short Stories
上流名媛奧莉隆收到匿名信,要她特別留意其不久人世的姑姑,因有人正意圖贏得她姑姑的信任,以便篡奪其龐大家產。於是她和未婚夫一同前往探視姑姑。然而她的男友竟在一次花園的偶遇中,迷戀上門房的女兒瑪麗。於是雙方理智的分手。 緊接著在某次機緣中,奧莉隆好心請瑪麗及護士荷普金小姐吃三明治,但吃完不久,瑪麗竟就此中毒身亡。眾人皆將箭頭指向奧莉隆,警方亦因情殺罪嫌將其逮捕。 眼見是有人即將奸計得逞,有人卻將含冤入獄--只是,他們又碰上了白羅。他發現事件背後似是有雙冷靜的黑手在操控,於是他力排眾議,盡情發揮他灰色腦細胞的效能,終於還原事實的真相。
統一投資信託公司"的大老闆伏特庫最講究喝茶,他喝的茶有別於普通員工,使用的茶具特意精選,搭配的點心美味精緻,還有美豔的秘書專門為他泡茶,只是沒想到,有一天,他的命竟也終結在享用一杯茶之後!然而更令人頭痛的是,毒藥甚至不是下在茶水中...... 警方擁有的線索少的可憐,只有一項令人摸不著頭腦的證物:死者外套口袋裏的一撮黑麥穀粒! 悲劇並未就此停止.最後竟牽連至瑪波小姐疼愛的女僕身上.這位老小姐心中燃燒著意憤慨之火,發出正義之聲:[這是一樁絕無僅有的卑劣謀殺,我們絕不能讓那位邪惡的兇手逃出法網!]
十餘年前有一場悲劇,夫妻兩人同時自殺身亡。多年之後,偵探小說家奧利薇夫人突然接到一份怪異的請求,素昧平生的婦人丟了逼個難題給她,要求她調查出: 那對夫妻之間,究竟是誰殺了誰之後再自盡?早已偵查了結的舊案,為何又再度提起?婦人為什麼要追根究柢?誰殺了誰有什麼影響? 相關人物都已過世,如何才能探知事實真相?奧利薇夫人找來白羅協助調查,要如何追索久被遺忘的陳年往事呢? 問大象去吧!
裴金頓太太近來諸事不順,深感孤單、無助、絕望,但她的命運卻因為《泰晤士報》上的一則廣告而改變了: 「你快樂嗎? 答案如果是否定的,請來找帕克潘先生。」 不論是挽救一段破碎的婚姻,或者是解開一樁棘手的殺人案,都難不倒帕克潘這位史上最反傳統、最迷人的私家偵探,他深入民間,化解無數難題,改變苦難者的命運,在此謹介紹他最精采的十二件功蹟,與讀者分享。