《功能语法导论(第2版)》是系统功能语言学的创始人韩礼德教授的代表作,是一部可供语篇分析参照的语法理论巨著。它建构了一种语法体系,阐述了现代英语的口笔语语篇。 《功能语法导论(第2版)》所依据的理论就是作者自己创立的系统语法。不过,这里的宗旨并非系统理论本身,而是系统的输出部分。它之所以称为功能语法,是因为它是为探讨如何使用语言而设计的:探讨个体怎样依据所表达的意义从可资利用的句法结构和词汇中作出选择?及为什么作出这些选择。事实上,韩礼德教授是要详细确立功能语法分析的基本原则,而读者可以据此分析语言使用的任何一种语境,诸如教育语境、发展语言学语境、人种学语境或文学语境。 这是一部实用教程、一种针对各类语篇的描写和分析工具。它又是一部令人振奋之作。在将理论应用于语言分析的过程中,它提供解释,主旨高远,并对不时出现的复杂现象抱着实事求是的态度。所有对该理论和语言使用感兴趣的读者都会发现《功能语法导论(第2版)》观点新颖、材料详实,几乎涉及到了语言的各个方面。 当然,这毕竟?是一部导论性的著作。正如韩礼德教授自己所说,其中的每一个自然段落都可以扩展成为一部专著。要做到这一点,就需要工夫和眼界——金矿是挖出来的! 这个译本是《功能语法导论(第2版)》的第二版。初版面世后,作者根据自己在教学、新的理论探索和应用方面的经验,对初版作了较大幅度的修订。一些关键性章节,如及物性、小句和词组复合体、语法隐喻等,作者都作了实质性的改动,利于阅读。初版无索引;第二版全面提供了主题索引,便于参考查阅。
This readable introductory textbook presents a concise survey of lexicology. The first section of the book is a survey of the study of words, providing students with an overview of basic issues in defining and understanding the word as a unit of language. This section also examines the history of lexicology, the evolution of dictionaries and recent developments in the field. The second section extends this study of lexicology into the relationship between words and meaning, etymology, prescription, language as social phenomenon and translation. Lexicology: A Short Introduction will be of interest to undergraduate students of linguistics.
The Essential Halliday
The Essential Halliday contains selected articles by M A K Halliday on the core areas of Systemic Functional Linguistics. Presenting a thorough survey of Halliday's published work across five decades, the reader includes discussion of function, metafunction, grammar, metaphor, learning and teaching language, child language, computational linguistics, semantics, social semiotics and discourse analysis. Detailed cross references and suggestions for further reading guide the reader to other articles of interest. This comprehensive reader is an indispensable guide to the work of M A K Halliday. It will be an invaluable resource for students and researchers of Systemic Functional Linguistics.
Studies in English Language
This is the seventh volume in the Collected Works of Professor M. A. K. Halliday: Studies in English Language. Topics covered in the papers from the section on "Theoretical foundations" include transitivity, theme-rhyme, mood, and modality in English. Other sections include papers on English intonation and grammar including discussion of word order in English and the complex structures typical of informal spontaneous conversation. The grammatical analyses of English also serve to demonstrate the application of linguistics to language teaching. This is a fascinating volume, which is mainly devoted to Michael Halliday's thinking in the 1960s. The collection includes articles ranging from detailed innovative proposals for a description of intonation that would allow it to be incorporated into the grammar, through an ambitious re-orientation of the focus of grammatical description at a time when Systemic Grammar was emerging from Scale and Category, to a much later small-scale corpus investigation of the grammar of pain. Together they illustrate Halliday's continuing intellectual enthusiasm and openness to new linguistic trends, even though his own development has always been by accretion, rather than revolution. So, the reader is fascinated to discover how much of the early work has been retained, often in a considerably modified form, in the 21st century version of Systemic Functional Grammar. - Malcolm Coulthard, Professor of English Language and Linguistics, University of Birmingham, UK
Language and Society
A major enterprise comparable to a grand retrospective of the painting of some prominent artist of a distinctive school. Roy Harris, Times Literary Supplement. The tenth volume in Professor M.A.K. Halliday's collected works includes papers focusing on Language and Society. The papers provide a framework for understanding the social meaning of language, and the relation of language to other social phenomena. The volume begins with Professor Halliday's ground-breaking work on the users and uses of language. Subsequent chapters are organized around a discussion of sociolinguistic theory, and the relation between language and social class and social structure.
本书英文原著Cohesion in English的作者M.A.K.Halliday和Ruqaiya Hasan为国际应用语言学界功能语法学派的代表人物,Cohesion in English为其代表作之一。该书成书于20世纪70年代,一经出版即引起学术界巨大反响,许多研究者开始在此书的基础上进行英语语篇方面的研究。此书已重印多次,至今仍为功能语法理论研究及对英语语篇衔接感兴趣的读者的必读书目。 Cohesion in English一书曾收入外研社出版的《当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库》中,但国内一直未有此书的中译本,本书的出版填补了国内语言学领域的一项空白。
Cohesion in English