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减肥食谱The Fat-Fighter Diet
在线阅读本书 These days almost everyone is concerned about their health and appearance. We are constantly bombarded with ways to improve ourselves through diet and exercise. Unfortunately, many of these so-called solutions are only temporary and will ultimately lead to failure and disappointment. The Fat Fighter Diet offers a lifestyle change that focuses on individual needs instead of presenting a one-size-fits-all approach. Award-winning personal trainer Bruce Krahn provides an outline for health and well-being that is formulated for the individual. He determines just how much food a person should be eating and what kinds of exercise should be done based on body type, fitness level and personal goals. The focus is on fat loss, not weight loss, which will subsequently lead to improved health and increased levels of fitness. In an approach that is accurate and comprehensive, but not mired with medical jargon or gimmicky promises, Krahn helps men and women alike develop an action plan for taking control of their life. The Fat Fighter Diet is a guide to assist those who are dedicated to achieving optimum health and permanent fat loss. It's like having your own personal trainer and dietician, to help you fight the fat!