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Long considered the world’s greatest thinker and writer on management, Peter Drucker’s teachings continue to inspire leaders everywhere. From 1975 to 1979, author William Cohen studied under the Great Man and became the first graduate of his doctoral program. What Drucker taught him literally changed his life. In a matter of a few years, he was recommissioned in the Air Force and rose to the rank of major general. Eventually, he became a full professor, management consultant, multibook author, and university president – as well as maintaining a nearly lifelong friendship with the master. In A Class with Drucker, Cohen shares many of Drucker’s teachings that never made it into his countless books and articles, ideas that were offered to his students in classroom or informal settings. Cohen expands on Drucker’s lessons with personal anecdotes about his teacher’s personality, lack of pretension, and interactions with students and others. He also shows how Drucker’s ideas can be applied to the real-world challenges managers face today. Now every reader can benefit from Drucker’s thoughts on such topics as: * what everybody knows is frequently wrong * why everyone should approach problems with their ignorance * top executives should stay no longer than six years * some so-called menial tasks can only be done by the boss * what everyone needs to be an effective manager * why self-confidence is a necessity Enlightening and intriguing, A Class with Drucker will enable anyone to gain from the timeless wisdom of the inspiring man himself.
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《高维度思考法》一直在解决问题的人,永远不可能发现问题。理解“发现问题的思路”,意识到“无知、未知”,就能获得打破“常识之墙”的创意。现阶段,我们往往被“解决问题型”的价值观所支配,在已知的范围内努力解决已经存在的问题。然而,“靠知识量取胜”和“解决既有问题”已不再是我们该努力的课题,发现并定义存在于未知领域内的问题才是我们更应该做的。书中以伊索寓言中的“蚂蚁和蝈蝈”来做比喻,分析“解决问题型”和“发现问题型”这两种思考方式的不同和特征。指出擅长解决既有问题的人并不擅长发现问题,反之亦然。但是这二者在企业中同时存在,掌握发现问题的思考方式,自觉认识到自己原本在哪些部分上占优势,思考如何活用自己的长处,克服自己的短处,才是最关键的。同时,为了更好地在未知领域中发现问题,书中还介绍了三种提升视角或思考“维度”的方法,让大家更好地发现问题,正确定义问题,从而做到真正的问题解决。《高维度思考法:职场问题解决篇》为什么一直拼命努力却无法获得理想的业绩?为什么总有一些人能轻轻松松地实现目标?严格按照上司或客户的要求工作,就一定能让对方满意吗?如何才能读懂趋势,及时赶上下一个风口?回答上面这些问题的关键,在于能否从更高维度发现问题和解决问题。本书通过大量职场问题的解决案例,详细解析了运用“元思维”实现高维度思考的两种方法:Why 型思维和类推思维。Why 型思维通过追问上层目的,帮助我们冲破思维定式和狭隘视野,洞察问题的本质;类推思维通过放眼大千世界,教我们如何从其他领域借鉴灵感,从而实现跳跃式创意。如果你正被繁重的工作压得喘不过气来,或者正因为创意陷入僵局而一筹莫展,那么不妨按着本书的提示,开启一段简单高效的职场问题解决训练吧。如果能像无人机一样,像谷歌地球一样,从杂务中抽离出来,拉长镜头看一看,你会发现崭新的世界、不同的视角,所有难题都能迎刃而解。