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本书是国务院新闻办公室2020年3月13日发表的人权报告,对美国侵犯人权的状况进行揭露。报告分为序言、公民权利和政治权利有名无实、经济和社会权利缺乏基本保障、少数族裔饱受欺凌排斥、妇女面临严重歧视与暴力、弱势群体处境艰难、移民遭受非人道对待、肆意践踏他国人权,全文约2万字。 Consisting of foreword and seven chapters, it detailed facts on human rights violations in the United States relevant to civil and political rights, social and economic rights, discrimination suffered by ethnic minorities, discrimination and violence against women, living conditions of vulnerable groups, and abuses suffered by migrants, as well as US violations of human rights in other countries.