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How much do we know about why we buy? What truly influences our decisions in today's message-cluttered world? An eye-grabbing advertisement, a catchy slogan, an infectious jingle? Or do our buying decisions take place below the surface, so deep within our subconscious minds, we're barely aware of them?In BUYOLOGY, Lindstrom, who was voted one of Time Magazine's most influential people of 2009, presents the astonishing findings from his groundbreaking, three-year, seven-million-dollar neuromarketing study, a cutting-edge experiment that peered inside the brains of 2,000 volunteers from all around the world as they encountered various ads, logos, commercials, brands, and products. His startling results shatter much of what we have long believed about what seduces our interest and drives us to buy. Among the questions he explores:Does sex actually sell? To what extent do people in skimpy clothing and suggestive poses persuade us to buy products?Despite government bans, does subliminal advertising still surround us – from bars to highway billboards to supermarket shelves?Can "Cool" brands, like iPods, trigger our mating instincts?Can other senses – smell, touch, and sound - be so powerful as to physically arouse us when we see a product?Do companies copy from the world of religion and create rituals – like drinking a Corona with a lime – to capture our hard-earned dollars?Filled with entertaining inside stories about how we respond to such well-known brands as Marlboro, Nokia, Calvin Klein, Ford, and American Idol, BUYOLOGY is a fascinating and shocking journey into the mind of today's consumer that will captivate anyone who's been seduced – or turned off – by marketers' relentless attempts to win our loyalty, our money, and our minds.
Principles of Strategic Data Science
Principles of Strategic Data Science is created to help you join the dots between mathematics, programming, and business analysis.With a unique approach that bridges the gap between mathematics and computer science, this book takes you through the entire data science pipeline. The book begins by explaining what data science is and how organizations can use it to revolutionize the way they use their data. It then discusses the criteria for the soundness of data products and how to best visualize information. As you progress, you’ll discover the strategic aspects of data science by learning the five-phase framework that enables you to enhance the value you extract from data. The final chapter of the book discusses the role of a data science manager in helping an organization take the data-driven approach. By the end of this book, you’ll have a good understanding of data science and how it can enable you to extract value from your data.
你是否忙着扮演生活中的不同角色, 为各种目标的实现而努力奋斗, 却每当静下心来反思自己的生活时总会觉得人生有遗憾? 你是否明明知道这样的生活不是你想要的, 但苦于生计、被各种责任和义务所限制, 而不得不继续挣扎和努力前行? 本书作者基于其数十年的教练经验, 通过数十名全球著名领导者的咨询案例, 为我们提供了一条活出丰盈人生的路径, 指导我们放手去寻找有意义的人生, 活出无怨无悔的自我。本书提供的“丰盈人生” 练习, 会一步步指导我们进行深刻的自我探索, 克服各种阻碍, 不断迭代自我, 活出精彩和满足的人生。
6人今日阅读 推荐值 69.6%
品牌能够稳固地占据用户心智,是最为稳定的流量池。而建立品牌最有效地方式,是影响人脑中的情感区域。唯有如此,才能通过理念使用户对产品建立情感,进而通过情感驱动行为。 针对品牌的情感营销,一直是商业领域关注的热点。拉米拉斯曾长期担任可口可乐全球营销副总裁,对于这一商业帝国的情感营销之所以能如此成功,在《情感驱动》一书首次进行了“内部人士视野”的系统总结。其中,围绕产品建立情感、理性设计情感营销、促成用户为情感支付溢价等方法,不仅适用于具有较大营销预算的公司,同样可以满足中小企业的营销痛点。
我们每个人都可能是领导者,带领团队、养育子女、做他人的导师,甚至是与同事互动、与朋友沟通……然而,我们的领导力面临危机,因为大多数组织、团队、学校和家庭仍采用寻求他人服从的“指挥和控制”这一过时、低效的模式。 史蒂芬·M. R. 柯维将理解领导力和组织中的信任作为毕生工作。在他这本zui新、颇具变革意义的书中,他提出从“指挥和控制”转向“信任和激励”。人们想要的不是被管理,而是被领导。信任和激励是一种新的领导方式,它始于这样一种信念:人们是有创造力的、合作的、充满潜力的。这种领导方式将激励他人成为zui好的自己,并产出zui好的成果。 信任,就如园丁相信伟大的力量蕴藏在种子中,能看到、谈论、发展、释放他人身上的潜力。激励,就是点燃人们内心的火焰,使每个人主动想要成为更好的自己,取得伟大的成就。人们走向成功和卓越的阶梯不是被驱动,而是被激励。 与大多数人的想法相反,信任和激励是一种可以学习的技能。本书提供了一个强大实用的工具包——3个原则、面对5种障碍的解决方案,以及在养育子女、教书育人、培训和引导等不同场景的应用,向读者展示了信任和激励他人的实操方法,使他们有能力帮助自己和他人在职场、家庭和生活中取得zui优成果。 成为一个信任和激励型领导者,你将让世界变得更美好。
1人今日阅读 推荐值 62.5%
Built to Love
Leading companies create captivating products that energize the marketplace and set the standard for what customers want and expect. This isn’t something you can add on after the fact. Your products and services must be built to love from the very start. This book tells you why and shows you how.
l 《用影像发声的时代》是一本有关影像叙事技艺的“百科全书”。它将引导读者在动态影像时代重塑自己的“视觉素养”,使人们在人际交往和职业生活中成为“领头羊”。 l 作者博古通今,从石洞壁画开始,经由古登堡、爱迪生再到希区柯克,追溯了文字与图像在思想表达和人际沟通上的发展演化史;作者还饶有趣味地探索了“电影神经学”这一前沿科学领域,为读者呈现出用影像发声的力量。 l 在当下的多屏世界,人们要不断提升视觉素养,结合怀疑精神和敏锐的判断力,来评估以影像为媒介所展现出的观点价值,才能谋得更好的生存之道。基于十几年的影像教育经验,作者向我们坦承,“影像语言”的习得是一个刻意练习的过程,只有通过不断地揣摩和实践,影像技术才能转化成我们的“视觉素养”。 l 如今,视觉媒体重新定义了人们在接收、表达信息方面的素养以理解这个瞬息万变的世界。《用影像发声的时代》还是一本实用指南和教战手册,它不仅列举了影像在现代商业生活中的成功和案例,还手把手地指导初学者如何进行案头准备、脚本创作、影像拍摄和后期制作,是带领读者遨游多屏世界不可或缺的入门书。