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How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes
In this Collector's Edition of their celebrated How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes, Peter Schiff, economic expert and bestselling author of Crash Proof and The Real Crash, once again teams up with his brother Andrew to spin a lively economic fable that untangles many of the fallacies preventing people from really understanding what drives an economy. The 2010 original has been described as a “Flintstones” take economics that entertainingly explains the beauty of free markets. The new edition has been greatly expanded in both quantity and quality. A new introduction and two new illustrated chapters bring the story up to date, and most importantly, the book makes the jump from black and white to full and vivid color. With the help of colorful cartoon illustrations, lively humor, and deceptively simple storytelling, the Schiff's bring the complex subjects of inflation, monetary policy, recession, and other important topics in economics down to Earth. The story starts with three guys on an island who barely survive by fishing barehanded. Then one enterprising islander invents a net, catches more fish, and changes the island’s economy fundamentally. Using this story the Schiffs apply their signature take-no-prisoners logic to expose the glaring fallacies and gaping holes permeating the global economic conversation.
本书用比较小的篇幅简明扼要地介绍了经济学的基本原理、分析方法和政策应用,运用本土化的案例进行讨论,关注现实世界的经济问题,注重经济学思维训练,让读者学会像经济学家一样思考现实问题,是一本零基础的经济学入门教材。 本书为浙江省普通高校“十三五”新形态教材建立立项教材;参考国际主流教材,编写中国化的教材,在理论取舍、案例、习题、课外阅读、叙述习惯等实现中国化,更适合中国学生使用;提倡快乐学习,每章附有与本章内容有关的电影、小说各一部。 本书讲授原理的内容只占一半左右,另一半内容主要为:延伸阅读(原创的与本课内容有关的扩展读物)、快乐学习(介绍与本课内容相关的小说、电影等)、案例、思考题等内容。本教材建有配套的网站http://www.wdjjlt.org/yl,以及微信公众号:温大经济学原理,账号为:wdjjxyl。
所谓“钱的第四维”,即善用金融和法律工具,永续财富。而要做到如此,掌握全面的财富素养常识,是充要条件之一。本套书共包含两册书,分别是《钱的第四维:财富的保值与传承》《钱的第四维Ⅱ:财富素养常识》。 《钱的第四维:财富的保值与传承》主要讨论的是中国新富阶层的财富之路。对待财富问题,要学习钱的第四维概念,将思维从增值转换到保值。结合香港新富家族实例,比如何鸿燊、陈廷骅、李佩材家族,进一步深化对新富与资产安全的发现和洞察。 《钱的第四维Ⅱ:财富素养常识》围绕财富素养概念,比之金钱、财宝、金融、资产、资本,财富的内涵丰富得多——财富不仅是物质层面的,也可以是精神层面的。财富素养,才是日后社会中不可或缺的竞争力。因此总结了共十个方面:财富思维、财富知识、财富身份、财富格调、财富习惯、财富投资、财富安全、财富教育、财富责任、财富领导,帮助读者树立正确的财富观,更好地管理现有的财富,梳理出未来的投资理财思路,从而达成“钱的第四维”的愿景。