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Risk Management and Financial Institutions
The essential guide to managing financial institution risk, fully revised and updated The dangers inherent in the financial system make understanding risk management essential for anyone working in, or planning to work in, the financial sector. A practical resource for financial professionals and students alike, Risk Management and Financial Institutions, Third Edition explains all aspects of financial risk as well as the way financial institutions are regulated, to help readers better understand financial markets and potential dangers. Fully revised and updated, this new edition features coverage of Basel 2.5, Basel III and Dodd-Frank as well as expanded sections on counterparty credit risk, central clearing, and collateralization. In addition, end-of-chapter practice problems and a website featuring supplemental materials designed to provide a more comprehensive learning experience make this the ultimate learning resource. Written by acclaimed risk management expert, John Hull, Risk Management and Financial Institutions is the only book you need to understand--and respond to--financial risk. The new edition of the financial risk management bestseller Describes the activities of different types of financial institutions, explains how they are regulated, and covers market risk, credit risk, operational risk, liquidity risk, and model risk Features new coverage of Basel III, Dodd-Frank, counterparty credit risk, central clearing, collateralization, and much more Provides readers with access to a supplementary website offering software and unique learning aids Author John Hull is one of the most respected authorities on financial risk management A timely update to the definitive resource on risk in the financial system, Risk Management and Financial Institutions + Web Site, Third Edition is an indispensable resource from internationally renowned expert John Hull.
Quantum Computing and Blockchain in Business
Are quantum computing and Blockchain on a collision course or will they be the most important trends of this decade to disrupt industries and life as we know it?Fintech veteran and venture capitalist Arunkumar Krishnakumar cuts through the hype to bring us a first-hand look into how quantum computing and Blockchain together are redefining industries, including fintech, healthcare, and research. Through a series of interviews with domain experts, he also explores these technologies’ potential to transform national and global governance and policies – from how elections are conducted and how smart cities can be designed and optimized for the environment, to what cyberwarfare enabled by quantum cryptography might look like. In doing so, he also highlights challenges that these technologies have to overcome to go mainstream.Quantum Computing and Blockchain in Business explores the potential changes that quantum computing and Blockchain might bring about in the real world. After expanding on the key concepts and techniques, such as applied cryptography, qubits, and digital annealing, that underpin quantum computing and Blockchain, the book dives into how major industries will be impacted by these technologies. Lastly, we consider how the two technologies may come together in a complimentary way.
Introduction to R for Quantitative Finance
This book is a tutorial guide for new users that aims to help you understand the basics of and become accomplished with the use of R for quantitative finance.If you are looking to use R to solve problems in quantitative finance, then this book is for you. A basic knowledge of financial theory is assumed, but familiarity with R is not required. With a focus on using R to solve a wide range of issues, this book provides useful content for both the R beginner and more experience users.
当前,全球经济金融体系正在经历又一轮大规模的剧烈变化,一方面,中国在越来越深入地 融入到全球金融体系中;另一方面,全球金融体系与中国市场的互动也日益频繁。在这个过 程中,香港作为国际金融中心,在“连接中国与世界”方面,将继续发挥独特的枢纽作用, “沪港通”、“深港通”和“债券通”的成功运行,更是强化了这一定位。 近年来香港交易所基于新的战略定位,推出了一系列多领域的产品创新。为了让境内外市场 更好地了解香港的人民币离岸产品创新,香港交易所对近年来在互联互通、人民币产品方面 的新进展进行了系统梳理,由此形成了《打造人民币离岸产品中心:香港交易所的创新产品 巡礼》一书。 本书由香港交易所首席经济学家巴曙松教授主编。通过本书,读者可由点及面了解香港交易 所近年来的主要产品创新,了解当年香港金融市场上正在进行的金融创新新进程。
U.S. Military Program Management
More than 15 leading experts present case studies, best practices, and lessons learned from the Army, Navy, and Air Force, from both the government and industry/contractor perspectives. This book addresses the key competencies of effective U.S. military program managemen.
本期主题:金融时代的“她力量”。“她力量”是强大的生产力。麦肯锡 2015 年报告《性别平等如何为全球经济创造 12 万亿美元的增长》测算,女性在家庭中未被支付的工作量,其实际价值相当于 10 万亿美元,大约是中国 GDP 规模;如果所有照料家庭的女性组成一个“国家”,将成为世界第四大经济体。解锁女性生产力,对于企业和社会而言,具有极大创造价值的潜力。
Strategic Public Management
Real-life Solutions to the Challenges Facing Public Administrators! Complex management issues in the public sector can’t be addressed with limited, short-term fixes. Strategic, well-conceived approaches are critical to meet your organization’s long-term needs.