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The Black Cauldron
The Newbery-winning fantasy series now available in gorgeous new paperback editions Since "The Book of Three" was first published in 1964, young readers have been enthralled by the adventures of Taran the Assistant Pig-Keeper and his quest to become a hero. Taran is joined by an engaging cast of characters that includes Eilonwy, the strong-willed and sharp-tongued princess; Fflewddur Fflam, the hyperbole-prone bard; the ever-faithful Gurgi; and the curmudgeonly Doli--all of whom have become involved in an epic struggle between good and evil that shapes the fate of the legendary land of Prydain. Released over a period of five years, Lloyd Alexander's beautifully written tales not only captured children's imaginations but also garnered the highest critical praise. "The Black Cauldron" was a Newbery Honor Book, and the final volume in the chronicles, "The High King," crowned the series by winning the Newbery Medal for "the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children." Henry Holt is proud to present this classic series in a new, redesigned paperback format. The jackets feature stunning art by acclaimed fantasy artist David Wyatt, giving the books a fresh look for today's generation of young fantasy lovers. The companion book of short stories, "The Foundling" is also available in paperback at this time. In their more than thirty years in print, the Chronicles of Prydain have become the standard of excellence in fantasy literature for children.
Harry Potter: The Complete Collection (1-7)
推荐值 93.3%
All seven eBooks in the multi-award winning, internationally bestselling Harry Potter series, available as one download with stunning cover art by Olly Moss. Enjoy the stories that have captured the imagination of millions worldwide.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
21人今日阅读 推荐值 88.2%
"There it was, hanging in the sky above the school: the blazing green skull with a serpent tongue, the mark Death Eaters left behind whenever they had entered a building… wherever they had murdered…"When Dumbledore arrives at Privet Drive one summer night to collect Harry Potter, his wand hand is blackened and shrivelled, but he does not reveal why. Secrets and suspicion are spreading through the wizarding world, and Hogwarts itself is not safe. Harry is convinced that Malfoy bears the Dark Mark: there is a Death Eater amongst them. Harry will need powerful magic and true friends as he explores Voldemort's darkest secrets, and Dumbledore prepares him to face his destiny...
Lorna Doonel
本书讲述了百老汇自21世纪初以来超凡变革的故事,以《猫》《歌剧魅影》《出租》《美国天使》《芝加哥》《狮子王》《制片人》等享誉全球的歌舞剧为线索,带领读者探索了剧作演出的过程和幕后花絮。这些歌舞剧在内容、编排、灯光、舞美、表演形式上的改变,直接影响了美国戏剧的历史。 书中详细描述了百老汇那些热闹非凡又不为人知的奇闻逸事,它们或刺激,或悲伤,或搞笑。从目录就可看出本书内容多么吸引人——有的就是那些名声大噪的作品里的台词!同时,本书对百老汇的内幕进行了无情揭露,并批判了部分制作人和表演者的不端行为。迈克尔•里德尔将读者带到幕后、舞台、彩排现场,相信读者读完后将对百老汇产生全新的看法。
全书分为两部分,共十章。第一部分(第一章)为电影艺术与鉴赏,简要介绍电影艺术及如何进行电影鉴赏。第二部分(第二章至第十章)为英语电影经典作品赏析。该部分选取9个具有代表性的电影主题,即:人与社会、校园生活、浪漫与爱情、二战与犹太人大屠杀、名人传记、战争和人性、科幻奇想、动画世界、歌舞片。每个主题精选三部不同时代电影代表作品进行电影评述和分析(共计27部电影作品)。 此外,每部作品精选电影经典台词(英汉对照)供英语学习者欣赏与学习。 本书为具备较好英语语言基础,同时又对电影艺术感兴趣的大学生、影视爱好者、专业人士等精心编著。通过对英美优秀经典影片深度解读,学习电影艺术的美学价值及电影的语言魅力,对电影的思想内容有更全面的认识,提高读者电影艺术审美水平、电影鉴赏能力及综合人文素养。
Guy Mannering