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The Starbucks Experience
在线阅读本书 Book Description WAKE UP AND SMELL THE SUCCESS! You already know the Starbucks story. Since 1992, its stock has risen a staggering 5,000 percent! The genius of Starbucks success lies in its ability to create personalized customer experiences, stimulate business growth, generate profits, energize employees, and secure customer loyalty-all at the same time. The Starbucks Experience contains a robust blend of home-brewed ingenuity and people-driven philosophies that have made Starbucks one of the world's “most admired” companies, according to Fortune magazine. With unique access to Starbucks personnel and resources, Joseph Michelli discovered that the success of Starbucks is driven by the people who work there-the “partners”-and the special experience they create for each customer. Michelli reveals how you can follow the Starbucks way to Reach out to entire communities * Listen to individual workers and consumers * Seize growth opportunities in every market * Custom-design a truly satisfying experience that benefits everyone involved * Filled with real-life insider stories, eye-opening anecdotes, and solid step-by-step strategies, this fascinating book takes you deep inside one of the most talked-about companies in the world today. For anyone who wants to learn from the best-and be the best-The Starbucks Experience is a rich, heady brew of unforgettable user-friendly ideas. From Publishers Weekly In this paean to "one of the truly exceptional American success stories," Michelli convinces the reader that Starbucks is a great company, but he stumbles when trying to extract "precepts that can enhance your business and your personal life." He explores the various levels on which Starbucks succeeds, from its generous HR policies and lively work environment to its attention to detail and genuine concern for social causes—all of which highlight how singular a company it is. (Michelli throws in the word "unique" as often as twice a sentence.) But when it comes to advice for businesspeople, his "simple, yet not simplistic" tenets are too vague to be very helpful. Michelli notes that he has no personal stake in Starbucks: "I am not here to sell you on the company." But his enthused exclamations—"It is difficult to imagine all the great things that are yet to come for Starbucks"—give The Starbucks Experience the ring of an authorized book. Still, the company's practices are undeniably innovative and inspiring, and even if most of them aren't directly relevant, there's surely something in this book that's applicable to most businesses. (Nov.) From the Back Cover “Keen insight on the transformational power of Starbucks.”-Dr. Jackie Freiberg, bestselling coauthor, Guts! and Nuts! “Practical, proven ideas and strategies that you can apply immediately.”-Brian Tracy, bestselling author of Million Dollar Habits How did Starbucks turn a cup of coffee into a worldwide business phenomenon? With unique access to Starbucks personnel and resources, Joseph Michelli isolated the 5 key leadership principles that transformed an ordinary idea into an extraordinary experience. Principle 1: Make It Your Own Principle 2: Everything Matters Principle 3: Surprise and Delight Principle 4: Embrace Resistance Principle 5: Leave Your Mark Book Dimension length: (cm)21.1 width:(cm)13.7
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数字时代的品牌游戏,没有规则,只有实践。 本书以案例的方式,深入剖析了9位数字时代的速度大师(Speed Master)背后的品牌故事:三星电子、索尼爱立信、苹果、摩托罗拉、Google、eBay、宝马、星巴克、宜家。 这不仅是一本教你如进行品牌营销的案例书,更是教你如何忘掉传统的游戏规则! 忘掉工业时代的品牌规则,拥抱数字时代的游戏规则! 不要成为身陷竞争围城的“红海”品牌,而要成为价值创新的“蓝海”品牌! 最关键的是,这些一飞冲天的快品牌,虽然各有鲜招、创新百出,但是,他们也都遵循一些共同的“快就是慢”(fast is slow)法则,这也是数字时代的“蓝海”品牌法则。