《经典力学(第3版·影印版)》是一本有着很高知名度的经典力学教材,长期以来被世界上多所大学选用。本影印版是2002年出版的第3版。与前两版相比,第3版在保留基本经典力学内容的基础上,做了不少调整。例如,增加了混沌一章;引入了一些对新研究问题的方法的讨论,例如张量、群论的等;对于第二版中的一些内容做了适当的压缩和调整。 全书共13章,可作为为物理类专业经典力学课程的教材,尤其适合开展双语教学的学校,对于有志出国深造的人员也是一本必不可少的参考书。
Classical Mechanics
For 30 years, this book has been the acknowledged standard in advanced classical mechanics courses. This classic book enables readers to make connections between classical and modern physics — an indispensable part of a physicist's education. In this new edition, Beams Medal winner Charles Poole and John Safko have updated the book to include the latest topics, applications, and notation to reflect today's physics curriculum.