Who Moved My Cheese
经典书籍 谁动了我的奶酪: 如何应对工作和生活中的变化WHO MOVED MY CHEESE?
With over a million copies in print, the #1 New York Times bestseller Who Moved My Cheese? An A-Mazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and inYour Life (G.P. Putnam's Sons) has grown from a guide and trainingtool for America's top corporations and organizations to a culturalphenomenon that is changing people's lives. While a few analytical orskeptical people find the story too simple on the surface, the vast majorityof readers' responses reveal it is the clear simplicity that makes it soeasy to understand and apply to changing situations at work or in life.This amazing bestseller, written by Spencer Johnson, M.D., the co-author ofThe One Minute Manager?, the world's most popular management method, isreaching beyond the business community, where it has been the #1 Wall StreetJournal Business Bestseller for more than 30 consecutive weeks. It is nowbeing embraced by hundreds of thousands of readers-from community leadersand college coaches to parents and children-helping them to adapt to change.Whether it's the challenge of a changing relationship, or moving to a newneighborhood, or the downsizing and merging of corporations, people arefinding that the simple story of Who Moved My Cheese? is an unthreatening andinvaluable source of comfort and advice. It is no wonder that thisdiminutive tome has become a runaway bestseller! Annotation Sometimes simple problems require simple answers. In just 96 pages, this humorous story uses simple metaphors and characters to encourage readers to embrace change and to adapt to new situations with an open mind and a motivated spirit. It follows four fictional characters, Sniff, Scurry, Hem and Haw, as they search for fulfillment in the maze of life. 人生犹如“迷宫”,每个人都在其中寻找各自的“奶酪”——稳定的工作、身心的健康、和谐的人际关系、甜蜜美满的爱情,或是令人充满想象的财富…… 那么,你是否正在享受你的奶酪呢? 如果是的,恭喜你,你只需要阅读一下书中的小故事即可,因为它会时刻提醒你,你的奶酪是否已经变质; 如果不是,欢迎你,请你把这本书从头到尾阅读一下,希望你能够从中受到启发,尽快享受你的奶酪。 自本书出版以来,已经有众多读者从奶酪的故事中得到启发,从而改善了自己的事业、婚姻和生活,同时也引起了广泛的讨论。 变化总在时时发生,我们每个人都要认真思考,究竟是谁动了我的“奶酪”,我们又该如何发现新的“奶酪”?
Yes or No : The Guide to Better Decisions: A Story[是或否: 更佳决策指南]
Managers and employees burdened by indecisiveness and frustrated with their poor decisionmaking skills should find this book useful. It helps people improve their effectiveness at making better decisions both at work and in their personal lives. Spencer Johnson tells the story of a young man's hike up a mountain to illustrate his six-step system that should help readers recognize and focus on their true needs, think their decisions all the way through, and use integrity, intuition and past experiences as a measurement and example.
The New One Minute Manager
The New One Minute Manager offers a way for you to succeed sooner with less stress in changing times—both at work and at home.Based on the original book The One Minute Manager that helped millions of people around the world in organizations large and small, this new version of the classic story deals with a new world.The book will help you find meaning in your work and inspire you to discover new ways to help your organization adapt and prosper.The New One Minute Manager is a concise, easily read story that reveals three very practical secrets: One Minute Goals, One Minute Praisings, and One Minute Re-Directs, the new third secret.The story is based on studies in the behavioral sciences and medicine that support why these apparently simple methods work so well with so many people.And by the book's end, you will know how to apply what you discover to your own situation and enjoy the benefits.
◎這將是你今年收到最棒的『禮物』! ◎全美熱賣直逼400,000冊!版權銷售20餘國! ◎紐約時報暢銷排行榜第一名!華爾街日報暢銷排行榜第一名!美國商業週刊暢銷排行榜第一名! ◎支藝樺.李家同.周俊吉.洪秀鑾.孫越.張菁菁.陳子衿.黃子佼.劉黎兒.鄭華娟.潘燊昌 聯合推薦每個人生下來都有屬於自己的『禮物』,那是世上最獨一無二的。但是這份禮物,要靠你自已去尋找…… 這是一個追尋『禮物』的故事,也是一個年輕人成長的旅程。當他還是小男孩的時候,有一位充滿智慧的老人對他說,世上有一個特別的『禮物』,這個禮物會讓他的人生變得更快樂、更成功!可是這個禮物,只有他自己才找得到。 年輕人用盡方法,四處探尋,渴望得到這份能讓他快樂的『禮物』。但他越是拚命去找,反而覺得自己越來越不快樂,他的『禮物』也始終沒有出現。 直到有一天,年輕人決定暫時放下這一切,不再汲汲營營地盲目追尋,他才赫然發現,那份『禮物』,原來一直就在他的身邊……
《誰搬走了我的乳酪?》、《禮物》寓言之王 史賓賽.強森耗費二十餘年的心血之作! 幫助你脫離人生低谷,迎向生命高峰! ●橫掃紐約時報、出版家週刊、華盛頓郵報、今日美國報、丹佛郵報、邦諾書店、美國書商協會等各大暢銷排行榜! ●美國亞馬遜網路書店讀者 口碑保證! 【繪本名家】恩佐/精美彩色插畫 在今天的順境所犯的錯誤,會造成明天的逆境! 在今天的逆境做的聰明事,將開創明天的順境! 有一個年輕人住在山谷裡,他很不快樂,覺得日子過得很不順心。他渴望能夠爬到眼前那座雄偉的山峰上看看,可是卻始終都鼓不起勇氣,陷入了兩難的困境。終於有一天,他下定決心拋開所有的懷疑和恐懼,朝山峰出發。儘管山路很崎嶇,但他總算克服困難,爬到了山頂!年輕人在山頂上遇見了一位內心寧靜、充滿智慧的老人,老人跟他分享了「峰谷法則」的秘密,也從此改變了他對於「高峰」與「低谷」的看法…… 1999年,「寓言之王」史賓賽.強森博士推出《誰搬走了我的乳酪?》,教導我們如何在變動的時代中安身立命。2005年,他帶給我們《禮物》,告訴我們如何向過去學習,把握現在,創造未來。如今,他看到金融海嘯席捲全球,天災人禍不斷,許多人面對大環境的低潮,感到茫然、不知所措,於是他寫下了《峰與谷》,要與我們分享如何早日脫離生命裡的低谷、在高峰維持更長的時間,以及如何多一點高峰、少一點低谷。 現在,你就可以隨著這個故事踏上相同的旅程,並且將你的體會運用到生活、感情、工作與學習上,開創屬於你的美好人生!
Peaks and Valleys
Making Good And Bad Times Work For You -- At Work And In Life Peaks and Valleys is a story of a young man who lives unhappily in a valley until he meets an old man who lives on a peak, and it changes his work and life forever. Initially, the young man does not realize he is talking with one of the most peaceful and successful people in the world. However, through a series of conversations and experiences that occur up on peaks and down in valleys, the young man comes to make some startling discoveries. Eventually, he comes to understand how he can use the old man's remarkable principles and practical tools in good and bad times and becomes more calm and successful himself. Now you can take a similar journey through the story and use what you find to your advantage in your own work and life.
One Minute Sales Person, The
在线阅读本书Book DescriptionIn this newly released edition of one of his classic books, The One Minute Sales Person, Spencer Johnson, the author of the number one New York Times bestseller Who Moved My Cheese?, shows you how to sell your ideas, products, or services successfully! This is the book that has proved to be a must-have for the millions of people who were looking for the quickest way to improve their selling skills.In these changing times, Spencer Johnson, coauthor of The One Minute Manager?, shows you how the phenomenal One Minute? methods can bring real and lasting sales success with the least amount of time and effort. You will learn how to enjoy your job and your life more as you discover the effective secrets of "self-management," the integrity of "selling on purpose," and the liberating "wonderful paradox" of helping others get what they want so you can get what you need.The One Minute Sales Person is a clear, easy and invaluable guide that works for both you and the people you sell to, for your financial prosperity and personal well-being.In short, it is a classic Spencer Johnson bestseller that can help you enjoy more success with less stress.Book Dimensionlength: (cm)20.3 width:(cm)14.5
Anyway: The Paradoxical Commandments: Finding Personal Meaning in aCrazy World
在不斷變動的人生迷宮中,你的乳酪在哪裡? 史上最暢銷的寓言經典,熱賣超過2400萬冊!長踞《華爾街日報》排行榜6年、《紐約時報》排行榜5年! 概念簡單,成效卻很驚人!蘋果、惠而浦、美林等國際頂尖企業推薦教材! 從前從前,有兩隻小老鼠「嗅嗅」、「快快」和兩個小小人「哼哼」、「哈哈」,他們每天都在一座迷宮裡跑來跑去,努力尋找自己心愛的乳酪,有一天,終於在C號乳酪站找到了。 他們每天都固定來這裡,開心地大飽口福。不同的是,嗅嗅和快快仍隨時警覺著四周環境的轉變,哼哼跟哈哈卻因為太安逸了,根本沒察覺到情況早已悄悄起了變化。 這天,哼哼和哈哈照舊來到C號乳酪站,發現乳酪竟然不見了! 「這是怎麼回事?到底是誰搬走了我們的乳酪?」 面對這場相同的變局,小小人和小老鼠的反應卻大不相同…… 《誰搬走了我的乳酪?》原本是史賓賽.強森博士激勵自己的小故事,出書前已在大眾之間口耳相傳了二十年,出版後的影響力更無遠弗屆,深入家庭、企業、學校等許多不同領域,改善了全世界無數人的生活。我們都在人生的迷宮中追尋想要的「乳酪」,然而,找到的乳酪可能被搬走,人生也隨時可能有變化!這個老少咸宜的寓言故事將教我們如何預知轉變、做好準備,一旦變動發生了又該如何因應,並改變自己,更重要的是如何跟著乳酪跑,獲得更大的成就、滿足與快樂!
One Minute for Yourself
"During the past few years, various friends have asked me, 'What do you mean when you speak about the spiritual life?' Every time this question has come up, I have wished I had a small and simple book which could offer the beginning of a response. I have felt that there was a place for a text that could be read within a few hours and could not only explain what the spiritual life is but also create a desire to live it. This feeling caused me to write "Making All Things New.".." "The beginning of the spiritual life is often difficult not only because the powers which cause us to worry are so strong but also because the presence of God's Spirit seems barely noticeable. If, however, we are willing to live a life of prayer and practice the disciplines of solitude and community, a new hunger will make itself known. This new hunger is the first sign of God's presence. When we remain attentive to this divine presence, we will be led always deeper into the kingdom. There, to our joyful surprise, we will discover that the power of our worries is weakening and all things are being made new." - -from "Making All Things New"