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Teaching Hope
“There are lives lost in this book, and there are lives saved, too, if salvation means a young man or woman begins to feel deserving of a place on the planet. . . . What could be more soul-satisfying?These are the most influential professionals most of us will ever meet. The effects of their work will last forever.” –from the foreword by Anna QuindlenNow depicted in a bestselling book and a feature film, the Freedom Writers phenomenon came about in 1994 when Erin Gruwell stepped into Room 203 and beganher first teaching job out of college. Long Beach, California, was still reeling from the deadly violence that erupted during the Rodney King riots, and the kids in Erin’s classroom reflected the anger, resentment, and hopelessness of their community.Undaunted, Erin fostered an educational philosophy that valued and promoted diversity, tolerance, and communication, and in the process, she transformed her students’ lives, as well as her own. Erin Gruwell and the Freedom Writers went on to establish the Freedom Writers Foundation to replicate the success of Room 203 and provide all students with hope and opportunities to realize their academic potential.Since then, the foundation has trained more than 150 teachers in the United States and Canada. Teaching Hope unites the voices of these Freedom Writer teachers, who share uplifting, devastating, and poignant stories from their classrooms, stories that provide insight into the struggles and triumphs of education in all of its forms.Mirroring an academic year, these dispatches from the front lines of education take us from the anticipation of the first day to the disillusionment, challenges, and triumphs of the school year.These are the voices of teachers who persevere in the face of intolerance, rigid administration, and countless other challenges, and continue to reach out and teach those who are deemed unteachable. Their stories inspire everyone to make a difference in the world around them.
48人今日阅读 推荐值 76.5%
本书由积极心理学的两位开创者C.R.斯奈德和沙恩·洛佩斯撰写,是积极心理学领域第一部综合性的教科书,也是目前最具权威性的积极心理学专著。本书不仅全面地总结文献,而且精心设计了练习和专栏,鼓励读者将积极心理学原理应用于实践,由此将积极心理科学带入生活。书中所阐述的主题包括如何应用积极心理学来改进学校教育和工作,以及如何提升人们相互协作的生活方式。 本书不但适合于心理学专业学生学习积极心理学,也是积极心理学领域的研究者和学者的必备手册,同时也可以帮助普通读者发展个人优势、增进幸福感和建立丰盛的人际关系。
North and South(I) 北与南(英文版)
5人今日阅读 推荐值 83.1%
North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell is first published in book form in 1855 originally appeared as a twenty-two-part weekly serial from September 1854 through January 1855 in the magazine Household Words, edited by Charles Dickens. The title indicates a major theme of the book: the contrast between the way of life in the industrial north of England and the wealthier south, although it was only under pressure from her publishers that Gaskell changed the title from its original, Margaret Hale. The book is a social novel that tries to show the industrial North and its conflicts in the mid-19th century as seen by an outsider, a socially sensitive lady from the South. The heroine of the story, Margaret Hale, is the daughter of a Nonconformist minister who moves to the fictional industrial town of Milton after leaving the Church of England. The town is modeled after Manchester, where Gaskell lived as the wife of a Unitarian minister. Gaskell herself worked among the poor and knew at first hand the misery of the industrial areas.
I Want to Go to School 为了那渴望的目光