Spider-Man: Reading Skills, Ages 4-5: Ages 4-5
Grammar Tales Box Set: A Rib-Tickling Collection of Read-Aloud Books That Teach 10 Essential Rules of Usage and Mechanics
Inkheart Trilogy Boxset
Cornelia Funke's masterful trilogy is now available in this lovely keepsake edition. Meggie and Mo's extraordinary adventure through the exhilarating and sometimes terrifying world of books that come to like is here in its entirety. Paperback editions of each of Inkheart, Inkspell, and Inkdeath are included, all at one great price. Relive the magic again and again! A perfect gift this holiday season!
Gs 10Th Anniv 10-Book Bundled Set 2:(Titles #11-#20)《老鼠记者》十周年套装2(含十本读本) 英文原版 进口故事书
Geronimo Stilton已伴随小读者们一同走过了10个年头,在这10年中,《老鼠记者》系列荣获诸多奖项,包括出版创意奖、安徒生奖、儿童电子书奖等多项殊荣。 老鼠记者系列在全球销售量达8600万册,被130多个国家和地区引进,而且被翻译成了32种不同的文字,全球更有超过3000万的小读者读过他的冒险故事,是深受家长和小读者们喜爱的优秀儿童文学桥梁书。 老鼠记者系列故事视角独特,以老鼠为主人公讲述了一系列惊险刺激、扣人心弦而又妙趣横生的旅行历险故事。 书中的主人公杰罗尼摩-斯蒂顿(Geronimo Stilton)经营着鼠城第一畅销报纸《鼠民公报》,他有着出版人的博学睿智,却因过分的原则性而显得古板憨厚,在"玩笑家"表弟赖皮、永远充满激情的妹妹菲、聪明甜美的侄儿本杰明等的引领"煽动"下,老鼠记者杰罗尼摩一次又一次陷入或神秘或恐怖或疯狂的旅行探险中,而每次旅行都能让小读者学到许多有趣的科学文化知识。 10周年套装2内除了包括10本读本之外,还额外赠送Geronimo Stilton手提袋一个。 10本读本为: Geronimo Stilton #11: It's Halloween You Fraidy Mouse! 老鼠记者11:万圣节 Geronimo Stilton #12: Merry Christmas Geronimo! 老鼠记者12:杰罗尼摩过圣诞 Geronimo Stilton #13: The Phantom of the Subway 老鼠记者13:地铁幽灵猫 Geronimo Stilton #14: The Temple of the Ruby of Fire 老鼠记者14:失落的红宝石之火 Geronimo Stilton #15: The Mona Mousa Code 老鼠记者15:蒙娜丽鼠 Geronimo Stilton #16: A Cheese-coloured Camper 老鼠记者16:来自异国的露营者 Geronimo Stilton #17: Watch Your Whiskers Stilton 老鼠记者17:小心胡子!斯提尔顿 Geronimo Stilton #18: Shipwrecked on the Pirate Islands 老鼠记者18:夺宝奇鼠 Geronimo Stilton #19: My Name is Stilton Geronimo Stilton 老鼠记者19:寻找失落的斯蒂尔顿 Geronimo Stilton #20: Surf's Up Geronimo! 老鼠记者20:冲浪吧,杰罗尼摩!
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Movie Poster Book 哈利波特与混血王子(电影海报书) 英文原版 进口故事书
Thirty full-size portraits of the actors have come to love, featuring Daniel Radcliffe (Harry), Rupert Grint (Ron), and Emma Watson (Hermione). Also includes Professor Severus Snape, Professor Dumbledore, the Weasley twins, Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley, and many more.
学乐必赢阅读:1年级语法进口原版 练习册 儿童教辅小学阶段(7-12岁) 进口教辅书
Give students the targeted, skill-building practice they need with these standards-based books! Each workbook includes more than 40 ready-to-reproduce practice pages. Easy-to-follow directions and fun exercises motivate students to work on their own. Every activity in each book is correlated to state standards.一年级语法学这些:Simple Sentences 简单句Question Sentences 问句Telling Sentences 陈述句Exclamation Sentences 感叹句开宗明义,简单清晰,例如:A sentence tells a complete idea(一个句子表达了一个完整的意思),然后用2-3个词组成的简单的句子,结合右边的图画,让小孩理解这就叫句子。
学乐成功系列数学练习册5年级/Scholastic Success with Math Tests: Grade 5 进口教辅书
Give students the targeted, skill-building practice they need with these standards-based books! Each workbook includes more than 40 ready-to-reproduce practice pages. Easy-to-follow directions and fun exercises motivate students to work on their own. Every activity in each book is correlated to state standards.
Word Family Tales趣味认知故事集:词根学习法 英文原版 进口教辅书
Word Family Tales are humorous read-aloud stories created to build early phonics skills by teaching children to recognize "families" of words that share the same spelling pattern. This ability helps kids decode new words with ease and become stronger readers, writers, and spellers. Set learners on the path to literacy success with these rib-tickling tales—one for each of the top 25 word families. For use with Grades PreK–2. Word Family Tales书籍共25本,精选25个基础词族逐一教学。全书可让孩子们习得的词族词汇量超过300个,每本书最后配有衍生活动和填词说唱,末页为阅读指南与本词族的扩展词汇,读者可进行参考。 本套书籍内容充实而幽默,通过同一词族词汇的多次反复出现和言简意赅的内容、趣味的互动活动使孩子对词族有初步的认识并产生兴趣,同时提高孩子理解和接受新词汇的能力并加强孩子在拼、写、读方面的能力。本套书籍适龄范围为3~10岁。
学乐 乐高城市系列:城市冒险 8册 英文原版进口故事书 Adventures in Lego City (7-12岁)
Read eight fun-filled, action-packed stories from LEGO(R) City! Follow the LEGO(R) City crew on their adventures underground, on the rails, in the air, on the sea, and out in space. Help the heroes put out forest fires and catch crafty crooks. Reading has never been this much fun! Includes 8 readers: - LEGO City: All Aboard! - LEGO City: Look Out Below! - LEGO City: All Hands on Deck! - LEGO City: Stop that Heist! - LEGO City: Ready for Takeoff! - LEGO City: 3, 2, 1, Liftoff! - LEGO City: Fire in the Forest! - LEGO City: Fire Truck to the Rescue!建立你的乐高博物馆!乐高城就要飞向太空啦!同乐高大热玩具系列配合起来的绘本,肯定会受到乐高迷的大力追捧!乐高分级读本套装,共含8本读本,分别为:1. LEGO City: All Aboard! 2:LEGO City: Look Out Below! 3:LEGO City: All Hands on Deck! 4:LEGO City: Stop that Heist! 5:LEGO City: Ready for Takeoff! 6:LEGO City: 3, 2, 1, Liftoff! 7:LEGO City: Fire in the Forest! 8:LEGO City: Fire Truck to the Rescue!读本难度属于学乐分级读本第一级难度,主要学习英语常见字、可用自然拼读规则拼读的单词以及简单句。该套装主要特色有:1. 以城市生活为背景,围绕城市中的各种职业,引发孩子共鸣。2. 用乐高玩具搭建人物和场景,引发孩子对故事的浓厚兴趣3. 孩子可以根据故事场景,用玩具搭建同样的场景,可加深对故事的理解。
The Quest for the Crystal (LEGO Ninjago: Reader #14)乐高忍者读物系列 英文原版 进口故事书
An all-new adventure based on the latest season of the hit LEGO (R) NINJAGO (TM) TV show on Cartoon Network!孩子痴迷乐高玩具?不喜欢阅读?如果有这么一系列读本,它的人物是以乐高积木堆积而成的形象,对于喜爱乐高玩具的孩子来说是不是会很有吸引力呢?答案是毋庸置疑的!乐高忍者读物系列以当下流行的动画为基础,将超有吸引力的忍者主题配上全彩插图、简单文字和段落,对于乐高迷和不愿意阅读的孩子们来说,绝对具有超强的吸引力!将乐高积木形象作为故事人物,对孩子来说,就好像心中喜爱的事物有了生命一样,大大满足了他们的想象,由此对阅读的兴趣也自然提高。 该系列主要讲述了几个孩子成为忍者保护社会,惩恶扬善的故事。文本排版为文字+图片的形式,文字简单,段落篇幅较短,故事情节惊险刺激,将大大激发孩子持续阅读的兴趣。
The World Of The Hunger Games: The Official Coloring Book饥饿游戏涂色本 进口故事书
Harry Potter: Cinematic Guide: Albus Dumbledore哈利·波特:电影指南:阿不思邓不利多 进口故事书
Harry Potter: Cinematic Guide: Harry Potter 哈利·波特:电影指南:哈利·波特 英文原版 进口故事书
学乐 触摸书系列:卡车 英文原版 幼儿启蒙认知绘本 亲子阅读 Scholastic Early Learners 学乐小小读者系列 Touch and Feel Trucks
学乐小小读者系列是一个全新的早教图书系列。本系列全部为纸板书设计,小宝宝不会轻易撕毁图书。书中插图全部采用精美的实物照片,这种清晰真实的设计可以让孩子更快认识未知的世界。学乐小小读者系列有多个主题,如触摸书(Touch & Feel)、涂写书(Write and Wipe)、翻翻书(Lift the Flap)和识字卡(Flashcards)等。本系列早教内容也非常丰富,包括认识动物、学习字母数字、了解简单的数学等。而且,围绕着书中的主题,本系列将知识点从不同侧面呈现出来,让孩子参与其中。例如,孩子在认识数字的时候,可以用随书赠送的可擦写笔进行书写;在认识动物的时候,可以触摸到与动物毛皮相仿的人工毛皮,按压书上的发声板还可以听到动物的叫声。这样的设计大大提高了互动性,使孩子们在快乐的学习中成长。
学乐成功系列:三年级数学测试进口原版 平装 儿童教辅小学阶段(7-12岁) 进口教辅书
Give students the targeted, skill-building practice they need with these standards-based books! Each workbook includes more than 40 ready-to-reproduce practice pages. Easy-to-follow directions and fun exercises motivate students to work on their own. Every activity in each book is correlated to state standards.
学乐成功系列:四年级数学测试进口原版 平装 儿童教辅小学阶段(7-12岁) 进口教辅书
Give students the targeted, skill-building practice they need with these standards-based books! Each workbook includes more than 40 ready-to-reproduce practice pages. Easy-to-follow directions and fun exercises motivate students to work on their own. Every activity in each book is correlated to state standards.
学乐成功系列小学数学乘除法练习3年级/Scholastic Success with Multiplication & Division: Grade 3 进口教辅书
Give students the targeted, skill-building practice they need with these standards-based books! Each workbook includes more than 40 ready-to-reproduce practice pages. Easy-to-follow directions and fun exercises motivate students to work on their own. Every activity in each book is correlated to state standards.
学乐可怕的科学 20册 经典读物 科普故事系列 英文原版 Horrible Science小学生课外阅读 7-12岁
学乐儿童闪卡盒装:英文高频词 英文原版 彩色卡片 亲子互动 Scholastic Flash Cards: Sight Words 3-9岁
Give children a head-start in reading with these colorful, double-sided flash cards that teach essential skills. Each set includes activity cards with helpful tips and suggestions for making learning fun.Includes 59 cards.用这些彩色的、双面卡片来教授孩子基本的阅读技能,让孩子们在阅读方面领先一步。每一套都包括了活动卡片,上面有使学习变得有趣的有用提示和建议。包括59个卡片。
MAP SKILLS FOR TODAY: GRADE 5 今天的地图技能:5年级 英文原版
Learn how to analyze highway maps, projection maps, and geopolitical maps, as well as time zones, in a skills book focusing on the Americas.Why are there different time zones and how does Earth’s rotation affect the seasons? These questions and others are answered in this activity book that helps students develop a rich understanding of the world’s geography by looking at projection maps, political maps, and time zones. It also features specialty maps showing historic highways, early U.S. settlements, and transportation routes. Includes maps of Canada and our neighbors to the south!学习如何分析高速公路地图,投影地图,地缘政治地图,以及时区,在一本技能书集中关注美洲。为什么会有不同的时区?地球的自转是如何影响季节的?在这本书中找到答案吧。本书通过看投影地图,政治地图,和时区来帮助学生理解世界地理。本书还包括一张特色地图,可以显示历史悠久的高速公路,早期美国定居点,和运输路线。包括加拿大和我们南部邻居的地图!
Baby Town: Nursery Rhymes 婴儿城:童谣 英文原版
Children will adore reading the rhymes and exploring the adorable illustrations. The padded cover is fun for little hands to hold and squeeze and a CD of nursery rhymes will teach children the famous melodies.孩子们将喜欢读押韵的文字和探索可爱的插图。这款棉被很好玩,可以让小手捏捏捏,一张儿歌的CD可以教孩子们熟悉儿歌的旋律。
Heidi 学乐经典读物:海蒂 英文原版
When Heidi, a cheerful 5-year-old orphan, comes to live with her grandfather in the Swiss Alps, she brings a bright ray of sunshine into the lives of the people around her. Young Peter, a goatherd, shares her love of nature, and his blind grandmother delights in the little girl's bubbling personality. Even Heidi's surly and hermit-like grandfather, the old Alm-Uncle, finds his long-lost grandchild a source of immense pleasure.A few years later, when she is forced go to Frankfurt to serve as a companion for Klara, a well-to-do but sickly girl, Heidi must leave her beloved mountains and friends behind — an experience that proves highly traumatic to the innocent and sensitive little girl. But her return home and a visit from Klara result in magical moments that will leave young readers thoroughly captivated by this heartwarming tale of an unforgettable child and her effect on the people around her.海蒂从小父母双亡,生活在贫穷的环境中,由姨妈抚养长大。后来姨妈找到了一份工作,不能继续照顾海蒂,就把她送到了爷爷那里。海蒂天性热爱生活,热爱自然,助人为乐,对别人充满了爱和关心,她生活周围的人都因为她而获得欢乐。正是在她纯真的感情感染下,饱经沧桑、心情抑郁的爷爷变得开朗起来。海蒂8岁时又被姨妈带到法兰克福,在一个大户人家给12岁的瘫痪姑娘克拉拉当玩伴。在这里,她接触到了初步的教育。但是,这个天真无邪的小姑娘适应不了巨大的环境变化,由于思乡心切,她变得日益消瘦,精神恍惚,不到一年时间,便又被送回到高山牧场。随后,在乡村牧师的劝说下,祖孙二人终于搬回到爷爷从前居住过的村子。并同村民们建立了友好融洽的关系。瘫痪姑娘克拉拉,在海蒂走了之后,感觉很孤独,一切又恢复到从前那样毫无乐趣,心情忧郁起来。不久就被人送到了山上找海蒂,和海蒂住在一起开始接受自然的疗养。在海蒂的爱心帮助下,瘫痪姑娘克拉拉一天天的活泼开朗起来,她在野外欢快的玩耍,去亲近大自然的草木,使瘫痪姑娘克拉拉又有了生活的勇气,终于重新站立起来。
Alice In Wonderland 学乐经典读物:爱丽丝梦游仙境 英文原版
One normal summer day, Alice is sitting on the riverbank when a big, white, talking rabbit runs past. He pops into a big rabbit hole, and Alice follows him down, down, down into a strange and magical land.Alice has many exciting adventures in this extraordinary place called Wonderland. Here, anything can happen: All the animals talk, a deck of cards comes to life, and everything gets curiouser and curiouser. This is the timeless tale of Alice's adventures in Wonderland.一个普通的夏日,爱丽丝正坐在河岸上,一只会说话的大兔子从她身边跑过。他跳进了一个大兔子洞,爱丽丝跟着他往下,往下,往下,到了一个陌生而神奇的地方。爱丽丝在这个非凡的仙境有许多令人兴奋的冒险经历。在这里,任何事情都有可能发生:所有的动物都会说话,一副牌也活了过来,所有的事情都变得越来越奇怪。这是爱丽丝漫游奇境记中永恒的故事。
The Wind In The Willows 学乐青少年经典读物:柳林风声 英文原版
Far from fading with time, Kenneth Grahame's classic tale of fantasy has attracted a growing audience in each generation. Rat, Mole, Badger and the preposterous Mr Toad (with his 'Poop-poop-poop' road-hogging new motor car), have brought delight to many through the years with their odd adventures on and by the river, and at the imposing residence of Toad Hall.《柳林风声》是以动物为主角的童话,文笔典雅,描写细致,富含哲理。书中塑造了几个可爱的动物形象:胆小怕事但又生性喜欢冒险的鼹鼠,热情好客、充满浪漫情趣的水鼠,侠义十足、具有领袖风范的老獾,喜欢吹牛、炫耀、追求时髦的蛤蟆,敦厚老实的水獭——他们生活在河岸或大森林里,有乐同享,有难同当。
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 学乐经典系列:睡谷传奇 英文原版
Hold on to your head and ride along for an exciting rendition of this spooky classic! Ichabod Crane loves nothing more than telling ghost stories. But Ichabod is terribly afraid of ghosts and would never want to meet one - especially the spooky Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow!There are many scary spirits and ghosts who haunt Sleepy Hollow. But none is more frightening than the Headless Horseman. When Ichabod meets the Headless Horseman, will he live to tell his story?《睡谷的传说》讲述了在睡谷附近的一个美丽山村塔里敦里,乡村教师伊卡博德·克莱恩偶遇“无头骑士”的故事。“睡谷”是哈德逊河畔一个幽僻的山间小村,那里清幽恬静、与世隔绝,村民们思想闭塞,对各种鬼怪深信不疑。穷教师伊卡博德·克莱恩生性贪婪、懦弱。他看上了富家女儿卡特琳娜·凡·塔塞尔,还梦想有一天能成为富有的庄园主。他不仅仅为她的美貌倾倒,更对她家的财产垂涎不止。他穿着寒酸的“礼服”去参加卡特琳娜家里的舞会,回家的路上碰上一个没有脑袋的“骑士”,这个“无头骑士”紧跟他的后边,把这个最怕鬼的穷书生吓得魂不附体。最后,那个“鬼”把抑在胸前的“头”(一个大南瓜)高高举起,向他狠狠扔去……结局会是什么呢?
King Arthur 少年经典:亚瑟王 英文原版
In the centre of the courtyard of a medieval church stands a single block of marble. On top of the marble lies a heavy black anvil. Struck deep through them both is a glittering sword.Whoever can remove the sword from the stone is the rightful king of Britain. Brave knights, important lords, and strong men from across the kingdom all try and fail. Then one steps forward whose touch frees the sword like magic. But could the next king of Britain really be ... a young boy?在一座中世纪教堂的庭院中央矗立着一整块大理石。大理石上有一个沉重的黑色铁砧。刺透他们的是一把闪闪发光的剑。谁能移石除剑,谁就是英国真正的国王。勇敢的骑士、重要的领主和来自全国各地的壮士都在尝试,但都失败了。然后一个人向前走,他的触摸使剑像魔法一样自由。但下一任英国国王真的会是……一个年轻的男孩?
英文原版 First Little Readers A-H 学乐分级阅读小读者系列6套共132册