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Expect to Win
One of Wall Street’s most powerful and lauded women shares her strategies for long-term success in any career While climbing the corporate ladder, Carla Harris sought career advice from her mentors and superiors but found some of the counsel too nonspecific. As Carla’s career advanced, she discovered the key survival tools to business success and vowed that when she reached senior management and people came to her for advice she would provide them with specific, play-by-play answers about what they needed to do to fulfill their career potential. Each chapter in Expect to Win includes Carla’s “pearls”— lessons Harris has acquired during her twenty years of working on Wall Street that can help contribute to career success by aiding readers in navigating the day-to-day complexities and challenges of the workplace. Carla Harris is a Wall Street veteran. She executed the IPOs for UPS, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, and Redback, as well as the $3.2 billion common stock transaction for Immunex, one of the largest biotech common stock offerings in U.S. history. Expect to Win is a must-read for anyone seeking battle-tested tools to triumph over common career challenges and to achieve maximum success in any field.
Into The Abyss
This remarkable account tells the story of how, in its first two years, the First World War reduced Europe's mightiest empires to rubble, and cracked the foundations of the world. On a summer day in
Winning Government Business
Get the edge over the competition for government contracts!In the battle for government contracts, seize the competitive advantage with Winning Government Business: Gaining the Competitive Advantage with Effective Proposals.Includes complimentary access to the Winning Government Business website.
推荐值 83.4%
《棚车少年》第一版于1924 年由美国作家、小学教师钱德勒·沃纳创作,讲述了四个孩子(杰西、亨利、本尼、维奥莱特)的故事。他们失去双亲,成为流浪儿,在逃离途中无意发现一个废弃的棚车;他们便进去避雨,并在那里安家;他们到处寻找食物,用废弃的工具吃饭;他们碰巧遇到小狗望望,然后亨利去找工作养活他们。在摩尔医生的帮助下他们找到了自己的爷爷,并消除了对爷爷的误解……个孩子凭他们的智慧、善良和乐观态度,完成了一次又一次冒险。他们虽然很小,内心却很强大。他们相互依靠,将废弃的棚车变成一个温暖的家,把一个好久都没人知晓的秘密解开,将一个对任何人都大吼大叫的老太太变得和蔼慈祥……故事的结局快乐而美好,孩子们搬进了富有的爷爷家,爷爷找人将棚车移到了院里,留给孩子们美好的快乐和永久的回忆!《棚车少年》于1924 年首次出版,1942 年被删减后编入“棚车少年”系列读物,但1924 年的初版得到了各界广泛好评。2007 年根据投票结果,美国教育学会将此书初版(1924 年版)列为“教师推荐的100本儿童必读书”。2012年,美国学校图书馆杂志将此书初版列入“100本孩子们一生必读的图书”。
商务谈判英语 看这本就够了
11人今日阅读 推荐值 78.6%
实用英语蓝宝书:介词用法大全共分六个部分:介词分类、介词短语、介词的意义和用法、介词搭配、简单介词的用法和介 词练习。一、二、四部分简要叙述了介词分类、介词短语和介词搭配,重点是第三、五两部分。第三部分详细讲解了介词的各种意义和用法.第五部分——简单介词的用法,十分详尽地阐明了118个简单介词的各种用法,用丰富的例句,比较分析了一些介词之间在意义和用法上的差别。为了帮助读者更好地掌握介词的用法,在第六部分——介词练习配备了近2000题,供自测之用,并附有参考答案。
100% Right 50% of the Time 《学会决策》英文原版
本书详尽介绍了行为经济学的知识原理,并将数十年来的研究成果和生活中的生动故事结合起来,以深入探索人类的理性与直觉是如何影响我们做出决定的 - 理性与非理性直接的挣扎。作者在书中遍历了我们的思维谬误和决策规律,在对其进行分析和解读之后又提出了具体的建议,以帮助读者学会做决策,做出更明智的决定。本书分为六个部分,涉及概率估算、自我认知、确定性、参考点、风险应对、情绪与直觉等方面,包括了行为经济学和决策科学从发端直至前沿的内容,是一本全面易懂的入门读物。
The American Revolution of 1800
In this brilliant historical classic, Dan Sisson provides the definitive window into key concepts that have formed the backdrop of our democracy: the nature of revolution, stewardship of power, liberty, and the ever-present danger of factions and tyranny.
The Statistics and Calculus with Python Workshop
Are you looking to start developing artificial intelligence applications? Do you need a refresher on key mathematical concepts? Full of engaging practical exercises, The Statistics and Calculus with Python Workshop will show you how to apply your understanding of advanced mathematics in the context of Python.The book begins by giving you a high-level overview of the libraries you'll use while performing statistics with Python. As you progress, you'll perform various mathematical tasks using the Python programming language, such as solving algebraic functions with Python starting with basic functions, and then working through transformations and solving equations. Later chapters in the book will cover statistics and calculus concepts and how to use them to solve problems and gain useful insights. Finally, you'll study differential equations with an emphasis on numerical methods and learn about algorithms that directly calculate values of functions.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to apply essential statistics and calculus concepts to develop robust Python applications that solve business challenges.
第一,语法讲解。全书共有 14 章,每章对语法进行系统的讲解,并配有相 应的例句、译文和重点、难点词汇注释,帮助考生快速理解。 第二,真题分析。本书并不仅仅是停留在单纯对语法现象的阐释上,而是结 合 Cambridge IELTS 1–15 中的真题例句进行讲解,真正达到理论和实践的有机 结合
Hands-On Functional Programming with C++
Functional programming enables you to divide your software into smaller, reusable components that are easy to write, debug, and maintain. Combined with the power of C++, you can develop scalable and functional applications for modern software requirements. This book will help you discover the functional features in C++ 17 and C++ 20 to build enterprise-level applications.Starting with the fundamental building blocks of functional programming and how to use them in C++, you’ll explore functions, currying, and lambdas. As you advance, you’ll learn how to improve cohesion and delve into test-driven development, which will enable you in designing better software. In addition to this, the book covers architectural patterns such as event sourcing to help you get to grips with the importance of immutability for data storage. You’ll even understand how to "think in functions" and implement design patterns in a functional way.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to write faster and cleaner production code in C++ with the help of functional programming.
Volume Seven
The Pursuit of the House-Boat
漫威超级英雄双语故事·Falcon 猎鹰:地球保卫战
英文原版 漫威超级英雄故事.猎鹰 Falcon: Fight or Flight
The Big Investment Lie
No professional investing advice is good advice. This hard-hitting book proves it with indisputable facts drawn from scientific research and the author’s own thirty-five years of experience in the investment industry.
Taste of Victory (Australian Destiny Book #3)
Book 3 in the bestselling Australian Destiny SeriesTaste of Victory returns to the turbulent story of Cole Sloan and Smantha Connolly which began in the bestselling Code of Honor. Sloan's sugar plant
The Champdoce Mystery
Just David
U.S. Military Program Management
More than 15 leading experts present case studies, best practices, and lessons learned from the Army, Navy, and Air Force, from both the government and industry/contractor perspectives. This book addresses the key competencies of effective U.S. military program managemen.
A New England Girlhood
The Prime Minister
The Bittermeads Mystery
The Serving Leader-服务中的领导者 (英文原版)
At a time of increasing concern about ethics at the top, The Serving Leader makes the case for an approach to leadership that is both more moral and more effective than the ruthless, anything-for-the-bottom-line approach that has brought disgrace-and often ruin-to many once-mighty organizations. "Serving leaders" lead by serving others, not by using them. As one of the characters in the book notes, "A leader qualifies to be first by putting other people first." It sounds paradoxical, but it works-and The Serving Leader shows precisely how and why.
历经近四年的精心打磨,这部令人耳目一新的英语语法百科全书式的书稿终于完稿了。本书以教育部、国家语言文字工作委员会颁布的《中国英语能力等级量表》为参照,以 “语言运用”为导向,立足于语言知识的系统性、认知过程的层次性、能力提升的生成性,全面详尽地解读、例示了中级英语词法、句法的基本知识。相信本书能为具备初步语言知识的学习者搭建一个一站式直达大学英语水平的高效学习平台;为有志于熟练应用英语的社会各界人士提供大量鲜活、地道、实用的语言素材;为广大一线英语教师推出重量级的案头参考。为此,本书从形式到内容都展现出鲜明的编写特色和语言面貌。 ●新视野:本书在在全面、系统、精准地介绍语言知识的同时,非常注重针对相应知识点,提供丰富的,具有广泛性和时代性的语言范例。内容囊括古今中外政治、经济、军事、科技、网络、社会,甚至两性情感等各个领域的无禁区话题。全方位的时代热门话题堪称当代实战英语宝库,让时代气息和生活气息扑面而来,给人一种美的享受,为读者形成应用英语的能力达成了无缝对接。 ●实战性:本书的亮点不仅在于明确、具体、系统的语言知识解读,更在于与其匹配的实用范例。书中的每一个知识点都配有大量实例。应有尽有、灵活多样的地道的英语表达能够让人产生学以致用的冲动和语感,促使那些有一定的英语基本知识的人形成进一步正确使用英语的能力。所以,本书既是一部接地气的语法自学教程,又是一部帮助读者提高英语表达能力的口语教程,能够让人实现从初识ABC到讲一口地道英语的跨越式提高。 ●阅读性:本书着眼于语言理解能力,通过语法之纲,举一反三,为读者进行丰富而又有序的语言输入,让读者在确保读懂的基础上,尽可能接触海量的阅读语料,形成头脑风暴,进而提高阅读能力。这种体例也是将精读和泛读结合起来的一种新的尝试。因此,本书尽可能从英文原著、权威词典中或网络上选取原汁原味的例句,并在用例中减少裸句,不回避长句、难句和完整意群,以培养读者的连贯思维和表达能力,让其最终无反弹地走上应用英语之路。 本书共分为四大部分,含十九章、五十节。每个大的部分和每章之首设置【内容概览】,展示该部分所涉及的知识体系,以利读者建立知识架构,把握知识间的联系。每个单独的章或某章下设的节中,一般分列【基础领悟】、【迷你词典】、【龙门一跃】三个版块。【基础领悟】主要是对本章节的基础知识进行全面、具体的梳理和讲解;【迷你词典】用于介绍本章节重要的词汇和语言知识;【龙门一跃】用于对那些关系到能力跃升的高难知识、跨界知识进行突破。附录本分提供了英语构词法的基本知识。
随着高等教育国际化进程的不断推进,在发展学生核心素养的背景下,小学教育专业学生的培养也需要随之进行改革。在这一改革中,培养小学教育专业学生的英语素养就显得十分重要。因此,我们组织一批有着丰富教学经验和教材编写经验的高校一线英语教师和小学一线英语教师编写了本教程。教程共分为六个单元,包括Pronunciation&Intonation,ReadinRAloud,Story—telling,PublicSpeaking,Songs&Chants,ClassroomExpressions等内容。《小学教师英语口语》聚焦小学教育专业学生的英语口语技能培养 Pronunciation&Intonation属于基础性英语口语技能,ReadingAloud,Story—telling,PublicSpeaking,Songs&Chants属于基本英语口语技能,ClassroomExpressions属于应用性英语口语技能。编写还采用任务型的方式,使读者很明了各个版块的学习任务,做到“有的放矢”。
Harry Potter: The Complete Collection (1-7)
推荐值 93.3%
All seven eBooks in the multi-award winning, internationally bestselling Harry Potter series, available as one download with stunning cover art by Olly Moss. Enjoy the stories that have captured the imagination of millions worldwide.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
21人今日阅读 推荐值 88.2%
"There it was, hanging in the sky above the school: the blazing green skull with a serpent tongue, the mark Death Eaters left behind whenever they had entered a building… wherever they had murdered…"When Dumbledore arrives at Privet Drive one summer night to collect Harry Potter, his wand hand is blackened and shrivelled, but he does not reveal why. Secrets and suspicion are spreading through the wizarding world, and Hogwarts itself is not safe. Harry is convinced that Malfoy bears the Dark Mark: there is a Death Eater amongst them. Harry will need powerful magic and true friends as he explores Voldemort's darkest secrets, and Dumbledore prepares him to face his destiny...
The Complete Project Manager
The Complete Project Manager: Integrating People, Organizational, and Technical Skills is the practical guide that addresses the “soft” project management skills that are so essential to successful project, program, and portfolio management.
常春藤英语 八级·四(常春藤英语系列)
jMonkeyEngine 3.0 Beginner’s Guide
With plenty of practical examples, screenshots and example code, create a complete game step by step. Learn by doing. Less theory, more results,If you have an inventive mind, are experienced in Java, enjoy looking through the smoke and mirrors of VFX and the world of game mechanics then this book is for you.
Damaged Goods
The Secret of Teams
Debbie and her team discover the three elements that all successful teams have in common. You’ll learn how to change entrenched ways of thinking and acting, what you have to do to optimize each of the three elements of a successful team, how to measure your progress, and more.