共 975 条
Making Good Habits, Breaking Bad Habits
From nail biting to cell phone addiction, procrastination to overspending, bad habits seem to outnumber the good ones. Unfortunately, we pay a price for bad habits that outweighs the immediate gratification that they bring. In this book, Joyce Meyer starts by examining the nature of habits. The first habit - and most important one to have - is the God Habit. By making it a habit to start your day by reading the Bible and communing with God, asking for His help in your efforts and His strength and sustenance, the stage is set for overcoming the habits you want to break and establishing new ones in their place. She then explores how to break bad habits by examining the destructive negative behavior patterns. The author moves on to discuss fourteen good habits and devotes a chapter to each. By the end of the chapter, the reader has a specific roadmap to follow until the behavior has become automatic (the definition of a habit). It's like following a GPS to get you to a new place. After traveling the same route several times, the GPS isn't needed for you to find your destination. The 'habit' of following the right route is ingrained. Among the habits discussed are: The God Habit The Habit of Being Decisive The Health Habit The Happy Habit The Habit of Faith The Habit of Excellence The Habit of Being Responsible The Generosity Habit The Hurry Habit The Discipline Habit The Confidence Habit
Learning WordPress REST API
This book is for WordPress developers and designers who want to get a complete practical understanding of the WordPress REST API and leverage it to create fully-featured web apps.
The Insider's Guide to Supervising Government Employees
Essential Guidance for New and Seasoned Supervisors! The Insider’s Guide to Supervising Government Employees brings together the experiences of diverse supervisors from all aspects of government to offer a rich resource of lessons learned.
小木屋全集=The Complete Collection of the Little House:全2册:英文
《小木屋全集 : THE COMPLETE COLLECTION OF THE LITTLE HOUSE (英文原版)(上下册)》一书内容生动活泼,文字朴实流畅。作者在描述生活方式、劳动过程时,具体而精确;在抒情写景时,却又细腻深刻。读者从《小木屋全集》可以学到涉及生活各方面的用语和地道的表达方式,从而提高自己的英语水平。同时,又可以从这套《小木屋全集》丛书中学到一些美国的历史和地理知识,了解美国人民在早期开荒移民时期与自然界的暴风雨、蝗虫、野兽等作斗争的情形;了解到他们砍伐森林、开垦土地、种植作物、畜养牛羊、建造自己家园的艰苦劳动;以及拓荒者日常家庭生活、文娱活动、节日团聚的欢乐情景。 本版《小木屋全集》分上下册,为英文原版,涵盖小木屋系列9册全部内容,以国际流行小32开本出版,这套《小木屋全集》丛书适合初高中或大学低年级学生作为课外泛读材料,对于英语爱好者同样适用。
Android:Game Programming
If you are completely new to Java, Android, or game programming, this book is for you. If you want to publish Android games for fun or for business and are not sure where to start, then this book will show you what to do, step by step, from the start.
The Project Manager's Guide to Making Successful Decisions
Make Better Decisions While Managing Projects! The Project Manager’s Guide to Making Successful Decisions is a practical handbook that focuses on the significance of project decision-making skills that will all you to reach workable and effective results.
Parade's End 队列之末(英文版)
A masterly novel of destruction and regeneration, Parade's End follows the story of aristocrat Christopher Tietjens as his world is shattered by the First World War. Tracing the psychological damage inflicted by battle, the collapse of England's secure Edwardian values - embodied in Christopher's wife, the beautiful, cruel socialite Sylvia - and the beginning of a new age, epitomized by the suffragette Valentine Wannop, Parade's End is an elegy for both the war dead and the passing of a way of life.
Photographic Rendering with VRay for SketchUp
This book is filled with examples explaining the theoretical concepts behind them. Filled with ample screenshots, diagrams, and final rendered images, this book will help readers develop an understanding of photographic rendering with VRay.If you are a SketchUp user who would love to turn your favourite modelling application into a ‘virtual photography studio’, then this book has been designed and written for you. Existing VRay users will also find plenty to enjoy and benefit from in this book.Some basic experience with SketchUp and familiarity with photography will be helpful, but is not mandatory.
Lumion 3D Best Practices
This book is designed for advanced Lumion users who wish to apply these techniques to their own projects. The reader should be familiar with modeling knowledge and have at least a basic knowledge of a graphics editing program, such as Photoshop or Gimp.
History of the Peloponnesian War
The State of Greece from the earliest Times to the Commencement of the Peloponnesian War THUCYDIDES, an Athenian, wrote the history of the war between the Peloponnesians and the Athenians, beginning at the moment that it broke out.汇聚授权电子版权。
中华文化外译书系·汉字中国·汉字与贸易—Chinese Characters and Trade
Gargantua and Pantagruel
Swift High Performance
This book is aimed at experienced Swift developers wanting to optimize their programs on Apple platforms to optimize application performance.
his book is intermediate popular science general reading material.It gives a brief introduction to Chinese weather proverbs and justification for employing weather-related proverbs to make long-range forecasts.From the angle of practical applications it introduces weather proverb applications to drought and flooding,precipitation trends,temperature fluctuation trends,low temperatures,overcast and rain,precipitation processes as well as cold air movement,frost,strong winds,hail,typhoons,and long-range weather forecast applications.Some of these terminological concepts are also further explained in the appendix.
The 3 Keys to Empowerment
Empowerment can be a mind-numbing topic,the authors show that empowerment is not about giving people power, it's about releasing the power they already have.
The Origins of Contemporary France
Mastering Android Game Development
If you are an intermediate-level Android developer who wants to create highly interactive and amazing games with the Android SDK, then this book is for you.
The City of God
HTML5 Data and Services Cookbook
A practical approach with hands on recipes to learn more about HTML5 Data and Services, its features and techniques when building websites or web applications.This book is for programmers and developers who work with a lot of backend code and want to get fast tracked into the world of HTML5 and Javascript. It is also for JavaScript developers who would like to update their knowledge with new techniques and capabilities made possible with HTML5.Some experience in HTML and jQuery is assumed.
History of Friedrich II of Prussia
To Win a War
This book is a classic narrative history of the last year of the First World War. Author John Terraine was associate producer and chief screenwriter of the 1963 BBC TV documentary The Great War. He wa
ASP.NET Core 2 and Angular 5
This book is for seasoned ASP.NET developers who already know about ASP.NET Core and Angular in general, but want to know more about them and/or understand how to blend them together to craft a production-ready SPA.
Performance Budgeting
Improve Your Agency's Performance Budgets and Accountability Reports Performance Budgeting: What Works, What Doesn’t is a must-have resource for government officials implementing performance budgeting within their organizations.
博士研究生入学英语考试主要测试听力、语法、词汇、阅读理解、完形填空、翻译、写作等方面的知识。本书由全国名校真题精解和模拟试卷精解两部分组成。 为了剖析历年命题规律和出题动态,本书分析了50多所高校150多份历年考博英语真题,精选了北京大学、清华大学、中国人民大学、中国科学院等二十多所重点高等院校近年博士生入学考试英语试题真题,每套真题均配有详细的试题解析。 本书提供了二十多所名校的全真模拟试题进行实战演练,预测了2015年考试的方向。考生可以利用本书中的全真模拟试题进一步提升自己的能力。
The Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches
Abolishing Performance Appraisals
The authors expose and dispel the widely accepted myths and false assumptions that underlie common management strategies surrounding the five key functions of appraisal--coaching, feedback, development, compensation, and legal documentation.
The Android Game Developer's Handbook
This book is ideal for any game developer, with prior knowledge of developing games in Android. A good understanding of game development and a basic knowledge on Android platform application development and JAVA/C++ will be appreciated.
Mastering Lumion 3D
This book is designed for all levels of Lumion users; from beginner to advanced, you will find useful insights and professional techniques to improve and develop your skills in order to fully control and master Lumion.
BASIC LITERATURE:美国学生现代英语文学读本(英文原版 套装共8册)
14人今日阅读 推荐值 88.8%
《美国学生现代英语文学读本》作者威廉·H. 爱尔森是美国一位积极的教育改革者与实践者。他从芝加哥大学教师学院毕业并获得教师证书后,一直从事教学与教育管理,同时致力于美国中小学生教材的创作与编写。他与芝加哥大学英语阅读研究权威教授威廉·格雷合作编写了Basic Readers之后,又主持编写了另一套供美国中小学学校作为英语教材的The Elson Readers。全套书分1-8年级,所有篇章均精选或改编自经典文学作品,兼顾各种文体、不同历史文化和时期的作品。从适宜儿童口味的童谣、寓言,到提升文学欣赏水平的名家随笔、历史故事等。考虑到本书的功能侧重于文学阅读兴趣的培养与熏陶,引入中国时,我们将书名定为Basic Literature。一是与Basic Readers相互呼应,可分别作为泛读与精读的教材;二是培养读者对英语文学的兴趣,为他们以后精通英语文学打下基础。 在国外原版的基础上,引入中国的这一版本增加了课后练习。加拿大英语培训教师韦恩·艾弗里特为每课编写了关于词汇、句法与理解等方面的训练,帮助读者疏通导学。
22人今日阅读 推荐值 87.5%
安娜·卡列宁娜(英文版)Anna Karenina
11人今日阅读 推荐值 84.7%